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Pay Per Click (PPC) - Training, Tools, Software and Tips for Affiliates

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Can You recommend an Adwords Expert ?
by mosca on 23 Aug 07 7:30 am
8 3233 by: macdee1823
Questions regarding PPC
by lovemsia on 22 Aug 07 8:23 am
8 2483 by: superaff
Adwords Havoc - My ads aren't showing up
by chatyak86 on 14 Aug 07 1:54 am
9 2542 by: terryb
Getting started with PPC campaigns - Do I need a website?
by glenda on 24 Jul 07 4:31 am
3 2513 by: glenda
Questions re: PPC and keyword marketing
by jacie on 07 Jul 07 11:15 am
46 5127 by: markling
How to Reduce a High Bounce Rate on PPC Landing Page?
by rudolf on 06 Jul 07 8:55 pm
6 3412 by: sean06
Overture - Problems with getting it to work properly - Help!
by rosedragontaiji on 04 Jul 07 2:25 am
3 2839 by: rosedragontaiji
Google Cash Detective Vs Xray Domination
by laterales on 20 May 07 8:55 pm
6 3240 by: laterales
www.horsebettingracingsystem.com - PPC claims achievable?
by sheafril on 09 May 07 2:07 am
5 2589 by: sean06
AdWords - Should I Also Capitalize The Ad Text?
by rudolf on 03 May 07 8:38 pm
3 2038 by: stevenar
No Adwords Ads?
by laterales on 03 May 07 10:27 am
3 2141 by: laterales
Adwords API
by lssolutions on 18 Apr 07 5:00 am
4 2579 by: lssolutions
Using Multiple Landing Pages And/Or Domains For Adwords?
by rudolf on 15 Apr 07 6:40 pm
7 3748 by: sean06
Zero Impressions With Google Adwords - How Can This Be?
by rudolf on 15 Apr 07 12:40 pm
26 3944 by: lssolutions
Confused with AdWords - help please!
by mrtopham on 15 Apr 07 7:23 am
3 2476 by: markling
Need Help A.S.A.P. With Adwords Campaign!!
by rudolf on 13 Apr 07 1:27 pm
8 2321 by: rudolf
Using Overture - Do you need a Yahoo account?
by sean79 on 11 Apr 07 9:26 am
5 2316 by: sean79
How to Surpass the Max Allowed No. of Aff. Links In Adwords?
by rudolf on 08 Apr 07 4:56 pm
8 3017 by: wildcat12
Can Duplicate Articles Get You A Penalty/Ban From Google?
by rudolf on 04 Apr 07 6:20 pm
5 2649 by: kiwikool
CPC for my keyword?
by haimingj on 17 Mar 07 9:31 am
8 2403 by: chatyak86
Can't view bids on Overture anymore?
by ichiban on 11 Mar 07 3:56 am
7 2243 by: haimingj
Can we have more than one Adwords Account?
by success12110im on 02 Mar 07 1:36 pm
3 2364 by: superaff
Can't see my ads in Adwords, but get clicks and sales. Huh?
by freekdl on 01 Mar 07 10:57 pm
3 2693 by: chatyak86
Differences between Adwords and Wordtracker?
by lunatunes on 23 Feb 07 2:08 pm
13 2835 by: rlunatunes
Conversion Analysis for PPC
by ccobb on 19 Feb 07 2:17 pm
7 2164 by: ccobb
"View bids" no longer on overture - What happened?
by matthewjahn on 13 Feb 07 8:47 pm
8 2696 by: superaff
What ROI can be expected for affiliate links through PPC?
by cteahan on 11 Feb 07 12:57 pm
10 2660 by: cteahan
Setting up Adwords Conversion Tracking?
by freekdl on 09 Feb 07 8:01 pm
11 2338 by: superaff
What should an AdWords campaign CTR be? Should I stop mine?
by daveboz on 08 Feb 07 10:23 pm
8 4190 by: rcormack
Day Job Killer - started with a single Adwords campaign!
by terryb on 06 Feb 07 11:47 pm
15 3341 by: elmo033057