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1st Sale in less than 12 hours!

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Joined: 05 May 09

1st Sale in less than 12 hours!

Ok Ladies and Gents,
I just launched an Adwords campaign last night promoting 3 products on a review page around 8:45-9:00 PM Pacific time. Logged on this AM to my adwords account and had 56 clicks @ .26 each ($14.56). Then went over to Clickbank and logged in to my account and lo and behold a S-A-L-E for $20.03! And the sale was logged on Clickbank as a June 4th sale and today is June 5th here in the Northwest US! This Affilorama program is the BEST of all the training programs I have seen! I have aready begun researching the next niche I am going to try and start on the site today! Thank you Mark Ling!
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Great - I have always believed that first dollar is the hardest to get.

Good luck!
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Hey thats awesome news and a great encouragement to me as a complete newbie to this!! Can I ask what process you went through to decide which product/s you chose to review/promote? Im finding this is the hardest thing for me to decide on at the moment and would appreciate hearing your approach. Understand you may not want to go into too much detail but anything you feel comfortable sharing would be great!!

Wish you more success.

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Posts: 100
Joined: 09 Apr 09
Congrats!!! i can see why people use ppc. i use off page seo. man its a LOT of work!!!
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Thank you in advance for your wise advice.

Yours Truly,
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Joined: 16 Jun 06
very nice work :)

Changeagent, are you having trouble getting off the ground? Choosing the right niche is a pretty easy thing, there are a million profitable niches just in Clickbank.

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Free Training Videos reveal how I make 6 figures while travelling the world
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So you get the same conclusion that I took after reaching lesson 10. After design a website and learn how to user that software to buildwebsites, I just conclude that SEO takes to much time to take effect.

The lesson 10 to 12 changes everything: you start getting the tip for ppc campaigns.

I belive that ppc is better than SEO.

I would like if Mark infantaze more the PPC and PPV on the affiloblueprint.

By the way: congrats for the success.
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Hi Sean

Yeah Ive had a look at what Clickbank has to offer affiliates and can see what opportunities there are but I guess for me I feel like I really need to find something that I can really wholeheartedly promote and be genuine about it. Ive seen a lot of landing pages where you can tell someone is trying to "sell" you something without really believing in what theyre promoting. Its turned me off and so i want to find something that I can be passionate about and add value to.........or am I being too "emotional"(for lack of a better word) and should I just look at it purely from a money making point of view??
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Sorry for the delay in responding to comments about my 1st post (been busy trying to figure a way to afford PPC Bully!)....I decided to go for PPC because that was what I had my eye on all along. I just need to fill in the missing pieces which Mark's PPC lessons did. I had a few bucks set aside to dabble with and after starting an adwords campaign I am glad I did it this way.
I still need to work on fully understanding Google Analytics and working to increase my conversion rate but overall I am pleased with my results for a rookie. I ended up having a few more sales all weekend and ended up my 1st $75 adwords campaign by making a $60 profit which I am plowing back into more ads after some tweaks to my review landing page.
I think if you use Marks recommended method for determining a product to promote (gravity/commission amount) that you just need to believe in your ability to put together a good campaign then just do it. It is easy to get stuck in analysis paralysis if you don't take any action..
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Posts: 7
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Oh yeah, I looked back on when I started the campaign and it was at 8:47PM on June 4th and the 1st sale was logged in at Clickbank at 10:13PM that same night!
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Posts: 55
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Congrats to you...those messages are really inspiring :)
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That is fantastic! I think I am going to end up going the PPC route also.
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Congrats Keith for your sales and PROFITS!
Very encouraging messages...
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This topic was started on Jun 05, 2009 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.