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Why I didn't buy PPC Classroom!

Posts: 173
Joined: 20 Nov 06

Why I didn't buy PPC Classroom!

Hi all,
It's been a while since I've been on. My paying job is extremely busy
during the summer months and had to work my tail off or starve during
the winter.

I wanted to get your thoughts regarding PPC classroom that just doesn't add
up for me.
Maybe its because my numbers are not correct but lets say they sell 1000
of these PPC courses. At $500 a piece that would be $500,000. Split
between two guys that would be $250,000 a piece. Of course many of these
sales would come through their affiliates so the profit would be much less.
Lets say after the affiliate commissions and the people they paid to help
put all this together they each made $150,000.
If one of these guys is making over 1 million a year. 1.4 to be exact doing
what this course teaches you to do. Why would they take the incredible
amount of time and effort to put all this together just to make $150,000.

Am I missing something here??

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It would be another $150,000 they didn't have before.... thus now raising his total income.
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Yes, that is true. And if it were me getting that $150,000 it would make
much more sense. Raising my total income from 0 to $150,000.

But in their case they could have made approximately nine times as
much (1.4 million) putting in the same amount if not less effort.

In this business or any business or in life period, the preference would be
to make more money doing less work. Like the old cliche
smarter not harder.

So this really doesn't add up to me. The only reason someone would do
this is if they were not making the kind of money they would like to be
making doing what they had been doing.

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lunatunes wrote:Yes, that is true. And if it were me getting that $150,000 it would make
much more sense. Raising my total income from 0 to $150,000.

But in their case they could have made approximately nine times as
much (1.4 million) putting in the same amount if not less effort.

In this business or any business or in life period, the preference would be
to make more money doing less work. Like the old cliche
smarter not harder.

So this really doesn't add up to me. The only reason someone would do
this is if they were not making the kind of money they would like to be
making doing what they had been doing.


It's a good point although I'm not sure how many marketers are going to pass up $150K for some worthwhile effort... no matter if you make $100K or 100 million.
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If their PPC stuff is mostly passive, then they had to do something with their time :)

I'm sure once they have a few more customers, they'll be able to back end them with stuff continually, so the initial 150k will turn into something much bigger.
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Hah! This is a very good question! I don't think it's quite as straightforward as it seems, Randy. While you might see the initial income generated from the product itself, there are undoubtedly a whole bunch of other little cogs turning in the background, designed to make money.

For instance, we've all seen products promoted by gurus selling for what seems like a ridiculously low price (or even free). Are they making their millions on these products? No. But you can bet that now they have you on their list, you're going to have a lot more (more expensive) products promoted to you. So they make money on the backend.

There's also the idea (its been mentioned here before) that once someone buys from you once, it's easier to sell to them a second time. Basically, if you've got the ear of a bunch of people, its a pretty powerful thing. Thats why we tell you guys to build good quality newsletter lists! A list is a huge asset.

And then there's the less cynical explanation: If these guys approached everything with the "that's small fry!" attitude, they'd never earn anything. Plus if you want to be a giant IM guru, (with all the benefits that that entails) you need to put products out there now and again.

There's a whole bunch of reasons... none of us know what their master plan is, so we can't know how this fits in. We can only guess!

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Ya, I guess I wasn't looking at the big picture.
Probably because I dont know what the big picture looks like quite yet..LOL

But I can now see where the list thing would be huge and the getting
your name out there thing too.

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lunatunes wrote:Ya, I guess I wasn't looking at the big picture.
Probably because I dont know what the big picture looks like quite yet..LOL

lol I needed a good laugh.
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