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Google Adwords tool for different countries and languages
Oh, i love this website. It's worth the charge but I'm glad it's free. :D
My question: I think it was at overture (which I can never seem to access anymore) but I found a tool where I could search the popularity of a search term in different languages. It was really great and I really could use something like that right now to firm up a business plan of mine.
Wordtracker has a free tool but this is a special one..The special part....if you use it to search for a keyword it returns a number of results like the old overture did the right there is a graphbar. If you click that it will display the actual visitors according to Google trends and your competition (webmaster having a site with the keywords in the title)
05 Apr 08 4:58 am
Thanks. That is pretty handy. However, there seems to be no use in foreign languages. When I type something up in another language, it comes up with no results. Still a good tool for the english language.