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content to keep people around

mark schaaf
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content to keep people around

I have gotten many of my pages up to page 1 on yahoo and google for many of my keyword phrases and I think my articles are very good and well written but todays people seem to lazy to want to read the articles to learn how to do what they came to my site to learn about. I have a travel site which gives a lot of information but so often if people can't learn something instantly or has to read something for more then one minute they leave. But how can they learn if they don't finish the article, I tell people I compare my site to like a baking site because if you want to learn how to bake a pie and type in bake a pie and go to that page on a baking site and think you will learn how to bake a pie in one minute you are sadly mistaken because the steps of baking the pie has to be explained. So my problem is how do I keep people who are interested in the information on my pages to stick around long enough to learn what they are looking for. Like a baking site I can't just list the ingredients and think people will know how to do it. What do you think. Mark
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People do tend to be very ADD these days.
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Engaging your readers/visitors is really difficult. I think that what you should focus on are your keywords. What are the keywords you are ranking for? Are these keywords with buyer intent? Are these crisis keywords? Buyer intent keywords and crisis keywords are what usually converts because the user/reader is already looking out to purchase something.

I think putting a bit of human interest or a human voice in your content helps to invite your readers to further read your article. That's why blogs are big because most of them are in the first person point of view. It's about another person sharing his experience and people are interested to hear a first-hand experience.

The following articles might also help:

Using Psychological Tactics in your marketing
Why it's bad to assume your visitors are smart - Dealing with "The 30% Brain"

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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Just read a really great post on engagement from Darren Rowse of ProBlogger. I think it would be a really great read for anyone wanting to engage people better and keep them reading.... ... ging-blog/
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Thanks for sharing James! As I have mentioned, the best way to engage readers is to add a human element to your articles. Share your thoughts and experience. Try making it into a first person account and see if that will make the difference.

Have a good day!
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While there are some people that appreciate a longer article, most prefer a short burst of high quality, informative information. I had the same problem when articles were over 700 words, when I scaled them back to 500 words or less. I got more traction. Go figure! Link removed by moderator
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I had the same problem when articles were over 700 words, when I scaled them back to 500 words or less. I got more traction. Go figure!

You have to make your articles reader-friendly. Most of the time, people are just scanning info off the web so you need to scale down lengthy articles. 400-600 word article a good length and make sure to use sub-headings to break down your articles.

Have a good day!
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Aim for around 10 to 15 words a line since smaller chunks are easier to read, especially if people are speed reading. People tend to stick around and keep reading your article when it’s not such an effort for them to do so. And having shorter lines makes it much easier to read.

All the best!
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I have to say that I have had the opposite response. My 800-1500 word articles ( which is what most of my blog posts are) get a lot more traction and better responses than the short 500-700 word articles that I used to do back in the old days. They also rank better in search.
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Thanks for sharing this information, James. Maybe we should try to do some testing especially now that Google has changed their algorithm :)

All the best!
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I would recommend having short paragraphs and giving where appropriate titles to the paragraph. That way readers can find the info they want, then read through. For inspiration, look how sales pages break up the information into bite sized chunks.
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This topic was started on Apr 03, 2012 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
