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Truth about mobile marketing

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Truth about mobile marketing


I'm new to mobile marketing and wondering how I can apply/sell it to my small business clients.

Thanks, Derek

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I believe mobile marketing can be effective if you provide quality information and give away bonuses and freebies (people love getting stuff for free :) ).

There is a post about mobile marketing using Mobile Monopoly on this thread. I think you'll find the comments helpful: Mobil Monopoly - My Thoughts & Yours
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There was a webinar recently titled Mobile Marketing Cash Secrets and it gives information on various way you can earn from mobile marketing. Have you seen this webinar? If you haven't, you can watch the replay here
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I've heard a lot about how you can capitalize on mobile marketing, but does anyone know how to TECHNICALLY get started? Is there a service that can actually manage your phone number list, send out messages to your subscribers and manage your campaign? (Ex. similar to Aweber for Email Marketing).

- Carlos, Motoza Marketing
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Hi I'm Carlos from Motoza Marketing - Conversion Analysis, SEM, Email Marketing, Affiliate Management
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I have no personal experience in mobile marketing but I found a very good article on how to make mobile marketing work for you.

Hope that helps!
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Limited time special - Pathway to Passive for $37: http://www.affilorama.com/pathwaytopassive
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There are quite a few companies out there that can help you get started with mobile marketing. Most of them offer a web-based interface to get started where you can manage your contacts who opt-in, send messages to them, and a plethora of other things.

There are a lot of differences amongst the companies, just depends on what you are looking to do with mobile marketing.
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Harness the power of mobile marketing and make money as a mobile marketing affiliate! The sign up is free! For more information visit our site at http://goog.gl/XHKIS
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I have a video course, "Mobile Marketing Exposed", that will help you come to terms with many aspects of mobile marketing.. It's only $17 at present!

The reason it's only $17 and not $197 or $147 (as it was) is because as time has gone on since it's creation, some of the resources referenced in the training have become unavailable.

However, this dose not mean that you will not be able to find services that are comparative when you know what to Google ;)

I hope this is helpful and I strongly suggest that you consider it as an option before you go pay out over the odds for the info you're after!


As far as the 'truth about mobile marketing' - there is no doubt that it will come to play a role in the marketing strategy of most business at some point, it's just a matter of when and how it's implemented I think.

Over here in the U.K. for example, one of our high street banks has just this month, launched an app that effectively turns your phone into a bank card!

Of course, all other banks will follow suite.

When you consider this prospect and what will become a 'norm' (using your mobile like you do your bank card) I think it obvious what will follow given time.

As far as selling it to your small business clients - The answer to that question is partly related to my previous point, in that the capabilities of advancing technologies has much to do with how you sell it to your clients - (by understanding the advantages of implementing these advancements and how these relate to the goals and target market of the business..)

That implies it depends on the business you are selling it too.

So, my advice is to try to figure out how a particular niche could take advantage of MM and take it from there.

Hope that helps ;)
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Great ideas guys
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Matthew Logan - Online Marketing Strategist
http://profoundprofit.com/ - For Free Training To Drive Online Traffic
A free method that shows a method that I utilize to drive high converting traffic. Please visit and tell me what you think.
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Though mobile marketing is still in the infancy stage, its benefits are already very broad. It now becomes the most effective tool of businesses to generate more and more profit. A lot of companies use this technique to directly connect with the potential clients.
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Posts: 11
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Mobile marketing is much attractive. There are lots of internet marketing companies which are adopting this method also. They are using it to market business ideas and new market promotions. This idea is also effective for search engine optimization expert to market any type of website. You can use idea for small business clients with full confidence.

SEO Web Consultant l SEM Consulting
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This topic was started on Mar 21, 2011 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
