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Firefox extension to show nofollow links

Posts: 21
Joined: 11 Nov 09

Firefox extension to show nofollow links

I recently watched a movie on Affiliorama with Mark Link. He showed how to use to specific Firefox extensions - one for showing which links are no follow or do follow. And one for easily finding high PR pages.

It was a great movie but now I can't find me. Anyone know where to find it?
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Posts: 752
Joined: 08 Feb 09
I'm not sure exactly which movie you're refering to but try the SeoQuake Add-on, it's one I use and can easily be switched on and off to show nofollow links.

Another one is SEO for Firefox.
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Limited time special - Try Affilorama Premium for just $1 for 7 days: https://www.affilorama.com/premium
ampie g
Posts: 381
Joined: 15 Oct 08
Hi tjenpenge, I think you must be referring to the Affiliate Blog Bootcamp part 3 since you're a premium member. You can access the video by clicking on the logo from your homepage.
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Posts: 16
Joined: 03 May 09
I have some issues with getting DO follow links.

I have been using a couple of tools to find dofollow links.
G lock Blogfinder: Get some 600 blog returns, but all page ranks are ´questionmark´ and the quality of the blogs generallly s***.

Market Samurai: hardly any return. 1 on the keyword wgere I get more than 100 in G lock.

Some dofollow search engines like http://www.seopositions.net/dofollow/ but also this comes back with no PR ranks for the keyword.

hen I searched in the keyword and ´commentluv´. The issue here is that I thought that the names and links in the comments should be dofollow, but often they seem to be Nofollow (according the page source view and another tool like ´quirk searchstatus´).

Any ideas on this?
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Posts: 21
Joined: 11 Nov 09
Thank you all. That was just what I was looking for.
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Posts: 44
Joined: 19 Jul 10
Does the affilorama toolbar not do this also?
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ampie g
Posts: 381
Joined: 15 Oct 08
@danwardrope You can use the Affilorama Firefox SEO Toolbar to check the links on a page/site. To know more about it, you can check this post:
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