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Selling "affiliate kit". Good idea?

Posts: 12
Joined: 19 Jul 06

Selling "affiliate kit". Good idea?

Dear Friends;

I need your help.

My uncle is a bit crazy but sometimes he has some good ideas, he just doesn’t know how to make any money from them. :-)

But lately he’s been working on something that is something you are experts at and I could really use your advice with.
He has put together an entire website filled with videos on Internet security. The main focus of this site is to sell Internet security services.

Now Uncle Larry had the crazy notion of putting together these sites and selling them to other affiliates; videos and all. But he wasn’t done with that. He also put together quite a few articles and then turned them into audio files. Then he said he needed something to bribe people into giving him their email addresses so he wrote quite a nice little ebook on creating strong passwords that you could actually remember. He even has a webpage that he links to from the book so people can test the strength of their passwords while he shows them how to make un-hackable passwords. (His words) Of course there are also affiliate links in the ebook and a link back to the affiliate website.

We host the affiliate site he made on your computers:


Now the advice I need from you is whether this might actually work or not. I know Mark has talked a lot about putting up websites to sell stuff but most of us don’t have that skill. Uncle Larry thought that if people could just buy the site, change the affiliate links and put it up under their own domain it would really help them. The articles, audio files, even the videos could be used on social media to not only point to the website but sell the services on their own.

Oh, he also thinks he could make all the original files available too so people could edit it all for their own purposes. He would give the license away to do all that.
He’s been working on this so hard and I would hate to see it not work out for him so I want to know what you think about all this. He is working on a really long sales letter spelling out all the stuff he has crammed into this “affiliate kit” as he calls it. I could send along a version of it if it would help.

But what could he charge for all this? Uncle Larry isn’t much of a marketer himself but he is pretty good at putting all this stuff together.

Oh, the website is also designed to be used with mobile phones so anyone can use it. He called it responsive to something like that.

Well, I’ve ramble on a bit but if you could put your heads together and make some sense of all this and maybe give me some advice I can pass along it would be really, really helpful.

Thank you one and all and have a nice Summer day. :-) It’s a mighty cold Winter here. :-(
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http://mattiemaeletters.com - Tales from Gilded Age Chicago
Posts: 6369
Joined: 25 Feb 11
He could sell the website and make good money out of all the content. He could also put more into the eBook and sell that as a digital product in ClickBank.

But I am doubtful whether he could make it into something like an "affiliate kit". The website, and its contents, are focused on a specific niche. While parts of it can be modified, it does not change the niche it is in : internet security.

All the best!
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Building affiliate marketing websites is a breeze: https://www.affilorama.com/affilojetpack
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Posts: 12
Joined: 19 Jul 06
Thank you for your suggestions. My uncle tends to make things more complicated then needs be so maybe just trying to sell it as some kind of information product on Internet security might work. He even suggested he could just give it away, with links intact, and see what happens.

Thanks again!
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http://mattiemaeletters.com - Tales from Gilded Age Chicago

This topic was started on Feb 17, 2017 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
