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Question about click bank Impression count.....

aveya marketing
Posts: 57
Joined: 30 Dec 10

Question about click bank Impression count.....

Looking over click bank analytics iv been blown away with an product that iv been promoting in the last 3days. Or on the other hand I'm making a total mess..
But find it slightly worrying at the same time.
My question is the product has 34 hop count, (5) hop per order form impression, and (7) order form impression count. Iv read the information about it and still don't have the foggiest what it means, I hope someone explain it in laymen terms or  if I'm doing something wrong.

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Go to your cb account
select reporting
select analytics
hover over menu vendor hops count etc
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aveya marketing
Posts: 57
Joined: 30 Dec 10
Thanks for your response.
I have already done that. My results are show above.
Any ideas ?
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hop count is how many people clicked your aff link and landed on the sales page. order form impressions are the number of people who actually clicked the the buy now button on the sales page and saw the order page. order form submission count are people who actually filled out the order form to make a purchase.

so, the percentage of submission impressions is the number of people who clicked on your aff link, saw the sales page and clicked the button to order that product.

so, say 100 people clicked your affiliate link to see the sales page,

5 people click the buy button, that would mean 5% of the people who visited the sales page through that link viewed the order page.
so if all 5 people actually complete the purchase, you would have 5 order submissions.

hops/sale takes the total number of hops and divides it by the number of sales, so if all 5 actually complete the order, you would have 20 hops per sale, or 1 out of every 20 people who clicked your affiliate link bought the product.

Hope this helps...
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aveya marketing
Posts: 57
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Cheers James I'm trying to work this out can you help mr on this.. My stats are as follow..

42=hop counts
0=hops per order
5= hops per order forms impressions
9= order form impression count.

I can't see why it's 5 then 9..
Wouldn't it be 5 out of 9..?
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okay, so it would be 42 people clicked the affiliate link to see your site.

out of those, 9 people actually clicked the buy now button to see the order page, no sales? from the look of it, nobody actually followed through to purchase the product.

so, basically what it is saying is that 1 out of every 5 people on average clicked the buy now button after clicking your affliate link to the sales page. (they always round up rather than down for some reason.) and noone completed the order process.
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aveya marketing
Posts: 57
Joined: 30 Dec 10
Thanks for the heads up.
Nah no sales on that product. Is it a case of l.o.a. Some1 will buy soon? The sales page on the affiliate side said it converts well... I guess not.
Is there anything from my side I can do?
After the last message it's gone up to 10 people pressed the buy now button.
Seeing them states it's a Lil dishearting seeing people click the buy now button but not taking out there card..

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there could be a lot of reasons for that. Also, your numbers are no real indicatiion yet. I have had products that got 1000 clicks with no sales, and the next 50 clicks I get 10 sales. its all averages over time, but you really dont have enough data for a good test run yet.

what happens once they hit the sales page is beyond your control. you never really know whythey didnt buy. maybe they didnt have a good CC, or werent sure about something. I have had people who tried, but their card got declined. (this will usually show as an order form submission but no sale logged).

instead of worrying about the sales page, and what is going on there, focus on what you can control which is doing everything you can to increase clickthrough rates. Drive more traffic, etc.

I Never even look at Clickbank stats until I am getting at least 100-200 visitors per day. until then my entire focus is on driving more traffic to my site.
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