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Purchasing an ad space on a site to promote a product

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Purchasing an ad space on a site to promote a product

Hello everyone, I am Caleb.

I am thinking about purchasing advertising space on a website to promote a product. How do I know I'm getting a good deal? Am I guaranteed success? What should I know and what risks do I possibly have?

Please help and thanks in advance,

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Also the product I am promoting is an E-Book/Guide. Here is an affiliate link and my promotion speech.

Shokz Guide - check it out - Well written, great reviews and feedback; it's the best guide on the market! - stacraft2 fans should buy this - Go from Bronze League to Diamond League
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hi , welcome to affilorama

In my opinion it is a waste of time. spend the money on web hosting and build your own website. then you dont have to buy ad space, buying ad space to put an affilaite link out there you will be lucky if they even give you a response. will probably just delete your email as a spammer and go on. thats what I do when i get tha them at my blogsm and I get them every day.

lf a blogger wanted an affiliate ad on their blog, they woudl get one and have the full commission for themselves.

you are garunteed NO success at anything online. if anyone tells you otherwise, then they are scamming you.. ther are no garuntees in life. we dont teach get rich quick solutions around here, just honest build your own website marketing.
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Dear jmpruitt,

"you are guaranteed NO success at anything online." is good advice and I'll try not to let that slip my mind. I have tried to make my own websites, but end up trying to do to much or getting to many ideas or projects going at once. If you could help me develop a site; I do have a good idea.

EDIT: Also thanks for the reply.
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Another thing to keep in mind is that targeted traffic works much better than non-targeted traffic. This is why SEO traffic and PPC traffic on an ad network bidding on specific keywords is so effective. The traffic is targeted to people who might be interested in what you offer. Adspace on a page (unless it is on a site related to what you have to offer) is much less likely to be targeted, so it would take way more traffic to get similar results.

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How do I get "targeted traffic" and "non targeted traffic"? I assume targeted meaning they google affilorama website and that brought them to the website page for like 179$ or something, and non targeted meaning they typed make money into google and clicked on random links. Tell me if I'm wrong, because I have no clue really, those are just guesses.

Thanks though for the reply.
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hey caleb, if you need some help developing a website then check out the
free training lessons https://www.affilorama.com/lessons

there are over 80 hours of training, and you will learn more than many paid training programs.

also, you may consider investing in a training system like Affiloblueprint which will show you step by step how to do it, or better yet, a system like Affilojetpack that gives you 5 sites, and the training you need to get traffic to that site.

there are a lot of threads that will help you with driving traffic.

basically you want to target keywords that people will search for when they want to buy something. although you have the basic idea, there is a lot to learn including judging competition for keywords, and finding free sources of traffic without waiting for search rankings.

I could help you develop a plan, but most of what I would tell you will be found in the training videos and programs recommended above. if you still want some one on one help to get started, Pm me, and we will see if we can work out something that is beneficial to both of us.

I think what Grady was talking about is you could buy ad space on my IMRelations blog, but the traffic would not be targeted to people interested in your offer. of course, i use affiliate ads and my own products and services for my blog, so i dont sell advertising space. very few blogs actually still do that.
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I will look around the site for those free videos. Thank you very much for the help.
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Here's what I meant by the "tartgeted" or "non-targeted" adspace.

If you've been online any length of time, you probably have seen banner ads on various websites. There are other types, but this will help you get the idea. You can think of these banner ads kind of like ads in a newspaper or magazine. Someone paid (either per impression or per click) to be able to put their banner in that spot. But the ad might not have anything to do with the content that it appears by. For example, you might have a site about computers, but the ad might be for Starbucks coffee. Link exchanges, "paid to surf" sites... All the things like this are untargeted traffic... The people seeing the ad may or may not be interested in what you have to offer.

Some ad networks are improving this just a slight bit by making an effort to put relevant ads with content. This is similar to what Google adsense does. Webmasters put the Google AdSense code into their page and Google tries to put ads that relate somehow to the content. While this is slightly more targeted, you still have some irrelevancy involved.

Then you have something that is targeted traffic, such as AdWords (paid). In AdWords, people bid on keyword phrases that people search for to be placed in the "paid" listings in the search engines. And whoever "wins" the bid winds up in the top spots. People who click on these links have already "prequalified" themselves as being interested in these links because they searched for that topic. A similar thing happens with the SEO non-paid listings, but the search algorithm tries to find what it thinks is the most relevant to what you want and give you those sites based on the database it has of sites on the internet.

This prequalifying also happens when people read an article and click through a link to your site. Since they just read an article on the topic, they are much more likely to be interested in what you have to buy.

Now you originally mentioned you were thinking of buying advertising space on a website. If this site was somehow related to your niche, then that would be more targeted than if it was advertising space that would appear on websites at random.

Hope that clears up what I meant a little bit!

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Hey Gradyp,

thanks on the follow up, I understand much more clear now.

Thanks for all the help.
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