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Problems with hoplinks on Clickbank product

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Joined: 19 Jun 09

Problems with hoplinks on Clickbank product

I am having a problem. Looking at why some of my pages are not getting clicks when they get a lot of traffic. One thing I noticed is that
with the Save My Marriage Today page, it does not show my affiiate information when i click through the hop link. I have several of these set up for different products, and save my marriage today is the only one not showing my information. Is this a problem with the merchant page or is this a clickbank problem?

http://23c30y59w5mk0a9leir6gc32me.hop.c ... tid=MRGADV

I know this is one of mark's products. I just don't want to be losing sales. Seeing this, I wonder if I have already. Not sure where the problem lies.
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One sure way to "TEST3 your holink is to click on the website and "opt-in" with another of your email adresses (get one free at yahoo.com or hotmail.com). Then act as if you want to buy untill you get to the "buy now" page and the paypal or clickbank "confirm" page/ Your hoplink should appear at the bottom. That is proof that it will work. If it doesn't appear, get a new hoplink. Maybe your cloaked link got corrupted, maybe your affilkiate link didn't register... Sometimes the website gives you a "hoplink". In that case I always check as above, sometimes I check via clickbank... but there are other services then clickbank to get an affiliate link like PayDotCom, CJ.com, Linkshare.com ... to name a few. Hope it helps.
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Posts: 3918
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I have already done that. That is how i know it is not showing up.
also, I know the link works, I have had hops on it before. Now all of a sudden it quit working.
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This is wierd. I don't know what happened. Today it is working.
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I used to have that problem. Then I started coaking my links through one of my websites and the problem was solved. If you don't know how to do that, try this: Send an e-mail to yourself with your link inside the email. When you open up the email, try the link -- it should be good. You can then copy and paste that link where ever you want it.

I found when I used to have to do this, I would have to go through the whole process again each time I wanted to paste the link in a new location.

I complained to Clickbank about this but they acted liked I was crazy. But you can go into any number of forums and people somewhat new to IM are having this same problem.

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Posts: 373
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Why not try building new links in clickbank. If they still don't work I would put in a support ticket with CB. If you do find that you links have somehow "changed" I would be worried about the security of your hosting account and your PC. Inother words change pass words and clean spyware from your machine.

Good luck with that.
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JC Dean
Posts: 3918
Joined: 19 Jun 09
Thanks guys. I DK what was going on, but it works now.
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