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No Affiloblueprint after purchasing

Posts: 2
Joined: 14 Dec 11

No Affiloblueprint after purchasing

I had reposted this elsewhere on the forum (didn't realize that I could start my own post- hopefully someone will respond to this).

I recently purchased Affiloblueprint, but am actually yet to see it. I live in a country where Clickbank is not available, so I contacted Support and asked them how I should proceed, they told me to purchase either directly via PayPal or Western Union; I chose PayPal. I had hoped that after sending them the money I would have received some feedback by now, unfortunately, nearly 48 hours and one support ticket later am yet to hear back from Affilorama staff.

I know that you guys are legit from all my due diligence online, but I quite honestly don't understand the silence. Was there trouble with the payment? The unique PP ID is Transaction ID: 7H11144876986030S. Your system sent a confirmation ticket ID #IMH-626124, so I have every reason to believe that you received the money.

To be very candid, I am very concerned. As of now I don't have a job and my family and I are living on past savings and buying Affiloblueprint was a huge sacrifice on our part. My situation is further compounded by the fact that since I didn't buy Affiloblueprint on Clickbank, I can't ask for a refund. I hate sounding desperate but that's how I feel.

Please, please, please somebody respond to this coz there's nowhere else I can go.

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Posts: 6369
Joined: 25 Feb 11
Hi Mervyn,

I apologize for the delay in responding to your inquiry and for any inconvenience caused. Affiloblueprint was not added automatically to your Affilorama account as the payment was through PayPal and not through Clickbank, which is our automated payment processor. We had difficulty processing your request as the payment was made through an email address that did not appear related to you or your Affilorama account.

I have responded to your email and have added Affiloblueprint to your Affilorama account. Please login to your Affilorama account and click on Products > Affiloblueprint to access the course.

I appreciate your patience. Please let me know if you have further inquiries. All the best!
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Posts: 2
Joined: 14 Dec 11
Cecille L wrote:Hi Mervyn,

I apologize for the delay in responding to your inquiry and for any inconvenience caused. Affiloblueprint was not added automatically to your Affilorama account as the payment was through PayPal and not through Clickbank, which is our automated payment processor. We had difficulty processing your request as the payment was made through an email address that did not appear related to you or your Affilorama account.

I have responded to your email and have added Affiloblueprint to your Affilorama account. Please login to your Affilorama account and click on Products > Affiloblueprint to access the course.

I appreciate your patience. Please let me know if you have further inquiries. All the best!

Thanks for your reply Cecille, I got it. Have a nice day :)
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Posts: 6369
Joined: 25 Feb 11
Hi Mervyn,

You're welcome! :)

Please do not hesitate to let us know if you have further inquiries. You can post it here in the forums or contact us through our support page.

Enjoy the course! Have a good day!
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This topic was started on Feb 14, 2012 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.