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New member offering affiliate program

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New member offering affiliate program


I am a new member so excuse me if I am not posting to the correct area. I have been in affiliate marketing for a few years. I was a member of Wealthy Affiliate University for many years and was a contributor on that forum.

In the past few years, I have started developing sales software for the B2B market. You can see my website address in the footer. The reason for my posting is...I wondered if anyone would be interested in becoming an affiliate for me. I sell my software through BMT Micro. I offer 50% affiliate commission. They handle all of my affiliate sign ups for me. I will send you the affiliate sign up link if you are interested.

For many years, I was on your side of the fence. I would love to find some people who would want to work with me. I plan on developing the software to have a three different pricing levels so the commission can be fairly substantial: Price points $19.95/$39.95/$59.95. Remember - an office can buy many copies for their sales staff! I have uploaded the the $19.95 software and I will soon be releasing the $39.95 software.

I am interested in learning how I can market my software effectively in this forum. The software sells...I have affiliates making money...but I do want more affiliate traffic to my website. In other words, the affiliates are doing better than me at getting traffic to my website.

Hopefully a few of you will respond to my post. I signed on to the "Notify me when a reply is posted" below.

Thank you,

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Posts: 6369
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Hi Paul,

The best way to market your product in our forum, and in any forum for that matter, is to help the members in the forum. Share your thoughts, experience and expertise. Once you've gained a good reputation of helping others out, your fellow members will develop trust in you and the products you endorse.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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Building affiliate marketing websites is a breeze: https://www.affilorama.com/affilojetpack
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/affilorama
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@Cecille, Shhh... Don't go telling everyone my secret strategy :)
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I did AffiloBlueprint for one year - http://www.journeyofmyown.com/welcome-affilorama-friends/

Make $100 commissions by being my affiliate - http://exsolutionprogram.com/affiliates/
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@Clayton - LOL. I think it's something like an open secret between marketers. :)
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Building affiliate marketing websites is a breeze: https://www.affilorama.com/affilojetpack
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/affilorama
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I agree with Clay and Cecille. Build trust first, then try to get people to see what you have to say. However, as an affiliate in the niche, i only promote software that I know and use myself. too many scams out there that don't deliver on their hyped up promises. that being said, what is the software? what does it do? what makes it different than the thousands of other software programs available? I wouldn't even consider either buying or promoting software that I know nothing about.
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Do you want to use your online content to Educate others, inspire them to action, and run a profitable business for yourself and your family? I can help you get started
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Totally what James said. There are literally 238,744,279,936,829 products and offers that one could promote, so just saying you have something to promote is not going to get anyone on board. Build some relationships, then tell them WHY they should promote and how your product is different/valuable.
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List not growing fast enough?
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Sorry it has taken me so long to get back, but I am just swamped with emails. I am redoing my sales page also...having java script conflicts that are making me pull my hair out. Who said when you run a business you can schedule time at your own pace. I work twice as hard as when I was an employee...ha ha.

Thank you for offering the advice Cecille. I appreciate the other responses also. I will take the time when I have it...to read a few postings throughout the forum. I can tell already I will learn a lot here.

I am sure I will be able to offer some help also. I really hope that as I meet some people in the forum...I can meet some who will want to promote my software. I am just at the starting stage here at Affilorama but I look forward to meeting people here and hopefully starting some affiliate relationships.

Could I come back and have a few of you look at my new sales page when I am finished. I am trying to set it up with less leakage for affiliates. No outside links just buy now buttons (more of a single sales page). I would welcome some feedback.

Thanks again,

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Last edited by rssnotebook on 10 Apr 12 8:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 6369
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Could I come back and have a few of you look at my new sales page when I am finished. I am trying to set it up with less leakage for affiliates. No outside links just buy now buttons (more of a single sales page). I would welcome some feedback.

Definitely! We'd be happy to look at your sales page and provide you with feedback. :)

You'll just need to start a new thread for that though. Have a good day!
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Building affiliate marketing websites is a breeze: https://www.affilorama.com/affilojetpack
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/affilorama
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If you're only interested in affiliate relationships, that's not a bad thing, but a forum isn't the place to do it.

Try jvalert.com and other sites that are built strictly for affiliates looking for things to promote and vendors looking for affiliates.
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Last edited by esolutions on 07 May 12 3:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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esolutions wrote:Paul,

If you're only interested in affiliate relationships, that's not a bad thing, but a forum isn't the place to do it.

Try jv-alert.com and other sites that are built strictly for affiliates looking for things to promote and vendors looking for affiliates.

Don't you mean jvalert.com without the "-"? My understanding it's an invitation only site which costs members about $67 +/- a month.
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Thanks for the suggestions. I am here not only here to meet possible affiliates but also to learn about affiliate marketing. My product is not really one of those make millions through internet marketing types of products...mine is business to business. As an example, I recently spoke with an ATT sales manager about selling some of the software to his outside sales force. I do both online and offline sales.

I still do affiliate marketing...in the past I have owned article directories, review sites etc. I have been away from it because I have been working on offline businesses. So I want to get my feet wet again.

I am working on a piece of software that allows affiliate marketers to store snippets of code, images, copy writing text, notes etc for each project. I don't think I want to sell it commercially. I was thinking about giving it away to affiliates signing up to sell my software. So I would probably pass it out to other members that are helping me or interested in selling for me. The reason I would pass it out was to get feedback. I am building the software for myself but would share it also. It will be a work in progress but I am working on it. Maybe I would give it away for just a social post about my software. As I get closer to finishing the software I will talk more about it. I always have so much going on it is hard to find time to finish coding projects.

Thanks for the suggestion...I had never heard of that company. That is exactly why I wanted to join Affilorama. You get useful suggestions from people. For instance, I read one of the members commenting that another member does some SEO work for them. I was hoping other members would share if they had found a great article writing service or social posting service etc. White hat only...don't want to be a pest.

Thanks again,

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Posts: 14
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jmpruitt wrote:I agree with Clay and Cecille. Build trust first, then try to get people to see what you have to say. However, as an affiliate in the niche, i only promote software that I know and use myself. too many scams out there that don't deliver on their hyped up promises. that being said, what is the software? what does it do? what makes it different than the thousands of other software programs available? I wouldn't even consider either buying or promoting software that I know nothing about.

Hi James could you have a look at Immediate List Building Pro & Readers From RSS 2 BLOG and share your thoughts. I have been making money by signing up as their affiliate. I too fell the plugin is good.
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danadunhill wrote:
esolutions wrote:Paul,

If you're only interested in affiliate relationships, that's not a bad thing, but a forum isn't the place to do it.

Try jv-alert.com and other sites that are built strictly for affiliates looking for things to promote and vendors looking for affiliates.

Don't you mean jvalert.com without the "-"? My understanding it's an invitation only site which costs members about $67 +/- a month.

Yeah, thanks for the catch. Good spot for serious affiliates.
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List not growing fast enough?
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Hi Paul,

The best way to market your product in our forum, and in any forum for that matter, is to help the members in the forum. Share your thoughts, experience and expertise. Once you've gained a good reputation of helping others out, your fellow members will develop trust in you and the products you endorse.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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Hi everyone!

I'm here to tell you about a software available for Affiliates. Now you can earn 30% commission on every sale of this live chat software. For details, visit HelpOnClick(.)com
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This topic was started on Apr 04, 2012 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
