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My Clickbank Business

Posts: 9
Joined: 12 Nov 08

My Clickbank Business

Hope this is posted in the correct category. I'm surprised that there isn't any information in the forum about this new product. I pondered for about a week and then finally took the plunge. Some of the information is helpful, but what is REALLY starting to annoy me is that I submitted the information for my first site 2 days ago and they still haven't uploaded the site to my server. Now I'm certainly no SEO, PPC, CPA, etc. expert, but I do know a lot about websites and this should take all of about 10 minutes to do. I have also noticed that their support is severely lacking in response times especially compared to here where it is lightning fast. I submitted a ticket early this morning inquiring about status and asked if they could just give me access to a .tar file so I could upload it myself and still haven't heard anything. This afternoon, I replied directly to a previous ticket and was told 5 hours later that it was escalated to the installation team. That was 7+ hours ago and still a blank site...grrrrr.

Has anyone else had any experience with MCBB? I am interested to hear your thoughts and experiences with the program. For those of you that don't know much about it, it's basically a plug-n-play site for CB or PayPal where you get to pick 1 of 10 different niches. What concerns me the most is that if 10 or 100 or 1000+ people all have the exact same website with the exact same copy with the exact same graphics, how are any of them going to be ranked high without a) having a pre-existing subscriber list of 10,000+ or pay a significant amount of $$$ on keywords? I joined through the Affilorama referral link and was optimistic that I could get a few sales a week to supplement my income which would allow me to focus more time and $$$ on my AB business. Thoughts anyone?

- Jeff
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Posts: 174
Joined: 24 Apr 09
Some interesting comments here at warrior forum

http://www.warriorforum.com/internet-ma ... s-com.html
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Joined: 12 Nov 08
Thanks for the link. OMG Magnum, I can't believe the horror stories over there. Guess I'm glad I didn't opt for all 10 niches as those poor people paid $997 IN ADDITION to the initial $497. Well, Day 3 and they still haven't uploaded my first site and I haven't received a response from support or the install team, so I felt I had no other choice but to cancel. It's kinda sad, cause if it just lived up to all of the pre-sales hoopla, then it would have been a pretty good product. I can write a more detailed review if anyone is interested, but the above thread is a good read and has lots of props for Affilorama. Makes me glad that I started out here.

- Jeff
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Posts: 32
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Hi Netfitters thanks for the link I would love to know what has happened since your post!
Please advise as I have been PRESOLD and am very interested in getting involved!
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Posts: 32
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WOW, I just read the thread at the Warriors forum!Just unreal!
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This topic was started on Aug 27, 2009 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
