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Looking for Language Products

Posts: 112
Joined: 06 Dec 10

Looking for Language Products

Hi everyone,
I am looking to promote language learning products--and any products that are related to language learning.

If you have any good suggestions, I'd love to hear them!


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aveya marketing
Posts: 57
Joined: 30 Dec 10
Hey Ryan

language learning is a a good niche to get into, what languages will you be teaching? Are you teaching basic learning, advanced? Are you looking to run your own course ? Or promote? Just need abit more info on your plans so i can help.

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Posts: 112
Joined: 06 Dec 10
I'm a textbook author, and I have had several of my books translated into Chinese, Korean and Japanese, and I am using them as carrots to attract people to a free language course. Then I am promoting one of Mark's other products, Rocket Languages. The Chinese and Korean sites are almost finished, although a bit rough. http://liveinasiablog.com

What I am looking for, primarily, are products to promote to my mailing list. They need to be language learning related...but not language courses, as I am already promoting Rocket languages and one other language course.

Stuff like MP3 files or subscription-based language training with a native speaker are what I'm looking for.

I have found some products. I'd just like to hear some more ideas.


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Posts: 647
Joined: 18 Aug 09
You can always promote flash cards or dictionaries through Amazon. The commissions may not be high, but conversions will be good (especially around Xmas).

Also look outside of the box. I've found quite a few when looking around for "<language> affiliate program" that are outside the usual ClickBank box.

And as a side note, be careful of Rosetta Stone. I have heard from some experienced marketers that they will send you cease and desist letters if you give them anything other than an impeccable review.
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I did AffiloBlueprint for one year - http://www.journeyofmyown.com/welcome-affilorama-friends/

Make $100 commissions by being my affiliate - http://exsolutionprogram.com/affiliates/
Posts: 848
Joined: 28 Jun 09
And (last I heard) I'm sure Mark wouldn't mind you promoting the Rocket series of learning language products (available on clickbank) ;)
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Have questions about creating images? Want an image created for you? Check out my site at www.GradyPruitt.com/welcome-affilorama-friends
Posts: 112
Joined: 06 Dec 10
That's my main product! ...just looking for some more stuff to promote to my e-mail list!

...thinking about going with region related items that aren't necessarily related to language. For example, sell Chinese or Korean or Japanese gift items to people who are studying those courses...they are obviously interested in those countries!

..can't hurt to try!

...thanks for they tips, bye the way!
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aveya marketing
Posts: 57
Joined: 30 Dec 10
something someone mentioned to me on a webinar, but, i havent tried it so i cant confirm that it works, but hey. Contact authors directly in Amazon asking them to offer there product to your mailing list and you will give them some sort of a cut. just an idea you can give your mailing list a free report based on the information you can collect in amazon book "look in here" were you can get a sample of what is contained in the book. Just take lots of notes and form your own report. that should buy you sometime until you get another product to promote. This is a main common idea people do to form there own ebook.

I hope this helps
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Posts: 112
Joined: 06 Dec 10
Great ideas...thanks! It takes AGES to find products, write responders that are actually meaningful and interesting, and get everything set up in awebber! ...not to mention getting people to sign up for the newsletter series in the first place.

...it's great, though, to see it all start to come together!
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