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Is It Wrong to Buy My Own Copy through My Affiliate Link?

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Is It Wrong to Buy My Own Copy through My Affiliate Link?

Hi. I'm a newbie to affiliate marketing, and in the process of learning so much, I am also finding several affiliate products I would like to buy for myself, either because I personally want or need that product, or in some cases, to test the value of the actual product I'm selling/marketing to others. Is it wrong or deceitful to join affiliate programs for these products, then purchase my own copy through my own affiliate link? I'm not suggesting joining just to buy my own copy, but buying my own copy as a "side benefit" of being affiliate marketer for that product.

Thanks for reading!
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From my understanding most affiliate companies frown upon it and it may result in you being dismissed as an affiliate.

In the terms of some affiliate contracts, it will be expressly stated one way or the other.
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It depends on the company / merchant you're dealing with.
If you buy from Clickbank then it is ok, but keep in mind that you will not get a commission after the first sale using the smae CC as they monitor the credit cards you use.
Clickbank do have a policy about having to have 4 separate credit card number payments to get paid.
This minimizes the chance of people using their own Credit card for buying their own products for there first few purchases.
For other merchants you will need to read their TOS. ( Terms of service )

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Last edited by michellerana on 16 Oct 09 6:52 am, edited 1 time in total.

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I've done it with Clickbank, but I don't sign up to other affiliate programs just to get a discount. Really depends on the vendor like Troy mentioned, so check out what the vendor has to say.

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Even though you can do this on Clickbank, if the product owner is keeping a close eye on affiliate sales it might not win any brownie points with them. So if you want to promote it later they may remember that you bought your own copy, and this may not be the best way to start off a merchant - affiliate relationship. I just happened to read a post today by Super Affiliate David Risely on this very topic: Don’t Be a Clickbank Douchebag
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Cause Blogger: http://causeblogger.com
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I read the above blog post and comments. Wow. I couldn't disagree more with the post and the attitude. As an affiliate marketer, I risk considerable time and money myself. If I build a site to promote affiliate products, I need to review them. I'm not supposed to save myself a few nickles by using the link at a site I just built? (BTW, gives me a chance to see if the links WORK.) Again, wow. Affiliates are salesmen, and salesmen usually get a significant discount. I'd rather get a free copy, actually! Gotta say, calling affiliate marketers "douchebags" doesn't make me think to highly of blog guy, either.
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Yes Sandra, I disagree with David's post as well.
It seems most others do as well.
We spend alot of time building our sites and giving people value and good reviews and to say we can not have a free review copy or a 70% off discount by buying it through our own link is absolutely ridiculous and for David to call himself a super affiliate is quite funny, because he obviously doesn't understand how affiliate and merchant relationships work or are built.

anyway, Just my 2 cents.

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You will burn in Hell!

Okay, so seriously, are you kidding me? Go on and buy them through your affiliate link. Who cares what anyone thinks. I'm pretty sure the vendor will be gracious enough to accept your money. Everybody gets paid, the vendor, clickbank or whoever and you save a few bucks. You deserve it.
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If you're interested in purchasing Clickbank products, you would need to make 5 sales from 5 different credit cards to get your commission. This is stated in Clickbank's Accounting Policy.

Some members have tried asking the merchant for a review copy. Inform them that you plan on promoting their product. You may want to read the posts on this thread.
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Many times I will email the owner and ask for a free copy after I have sold several of them. I have a high rate of success at getting the freebie after I have already sold several. I will give them a link to my site to show them how I am promoting their products.

I have even gotten freebies by showing them my site before ever making an affiliate sale. However, my sites look nice and I show them where I am ranking well for some keywords so they know I am really working hard at promoting them.

I also will tell them how I plan to use their information once they give it to me. For instance, making insider videos.

People who understand "our" value, are happy to help out. I have also found some who don't respond to my emails, will not give up free copies, or tell me I need to first make a few sales.

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It's not wrong to buy from your own affiliate link as long as that is not your sole purpose for signing up as an affiliate. I am an affiliate of a popular VOIP service and I have bought phone credits through my affiliate link many times. When others buy through it, I get commissions, so why should I not get a commission from selling to myself as well.
If the terms of service say that you should not buy from your own link, then you should not do so. But I have not yet seen any affiliate network or program that says you should not buy from your own link.
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Good point Fara. It's just like if they dont allow you to buy through your own link then you might as well ask your sister to buy it for you through your link with your own money. Accomplishes the same thing! LOL
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Most of the time you will see that you cannot buy through your link in the IMniche. most other niche markets I have seen allow it.
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Most of the time, you just need to send an email to the owner. If you can prove that you are a serious affiliate (just build a website like suggested at affilorama), most product owners will send you their product for free.

Or you can make sales first, and then, ask for the product. Just tell the owner that you want to send even more sales his way.

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