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HY affiliates program.Any partners here to provide a review?

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HY affiliates program.Any partners here to provide a review?

Hello everyone! I've tried working on affiliate programs in financial sector already and find the niche quite promising. My new potential partner is HYCM broker.
Some of the info I've managed to find on their affiliate program looks outdated. So I'm wondering if anyone worked with the company recently. Thank you for any reviews and suggestions on HY affiliates! "
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The niche is indeed promising, especially if the partner practices revenue share option. In this case if you get lucky enough to bring in the moneybag, the revenue share might turn out to be rather impressive. However, there are also lots of specific details you will have to pay attention to when targeting the campaigns. For example, choosing only last IPhone model audience won’t work as good as it would let’s say in a beauty and jewelry industry. Traders can come out of all casts and have very different initial level of income. Moreover, they simply can turn out to be rather strange people and own an android phone simply because it’s got “fair value”.
Also a lot depends on the marketing tools that you plan to use.
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There is not much reviews about this affiliate but I have found the following links as useful references:


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Lol, looks like you've had some experience. In fact I have some trading background myself. Not an impressive one, but still good enough to understand what you are talking about. From what I see in the HY affiliates dashboard, the marketing tools are very diverse. They are adopted to target various language groups, vary in the purpose and even the assets customers can potentially be interested in. Which is good in case we will have a Bitcoin 2.0 situation when everyone gets carzy about trading some particular asset.
I'm not that sure about revshare option being the best choice here. CPAs seem to be little more steady source of the income.
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Actually I think this moment right now can be a good chance to dive in the topic. Yeap, investors lose money, but trading is not only about investing. If you look around trading forums at the moment, you’ll see that people have 50/50 opinion on what’s happening. Some say the world economic crisis is near and tend to cash their investments. Others say this is a volatile times on the markets and this is exactly when the good money are to be made.
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yes, this can be used in promotional campaigns, I guess. HY is a regular forex broker and many of their clients trade intraday, don’t invest long-term. It will be true to tell potential customers that if they doubted whether they wanna start trading on financial markets - this is the time!
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Well, that’s just one of the ideas for promo campaign. To be realistic, you have to be prepared to generate an idea after idea, try different approaches, experiment with traffic sources and promo kits before you find out what works better. Moreover, as long as HY affiliates have different types of payout systems, this is the other thing that you will need to experiment with. It takes time.
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In spite of the common spread opinion that affiliate marketing requires tons of investments, special software for analysis and other tricks to get that +5-10% return on your traffic expenses, this really is true that alternative approach can generate much better results. For this particular situation with forex, I’d suggest finding trading bloggers that will be willing to include the native ads in their content. Just make sure these people have some loyal auditoria.
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Exactly what I was thinking about myself. but I see the two problems here.
1. How can we know the auditoria is loyal and non-sceptic
2. Famous bloggers charge fortunes for their promo postings
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Well, loyal subscribers always leave many comments, communicate with each other there. So basically friendly comments will tell you what’s going on there in subscriber’s world. Just make sure the comments look genuine. If those are paid ones, there is no point to start promoting there. Normally, its easy to see of the community consists of real people or bots. Its like a 10 minutes investigation that you will need to do.
As for the second point… well, you’ll need to be finding bloggers that have not been spoiled with fame yet.This is your part of the job. Money doesn’t come out of air, you know..
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True, it does not :)
I was thinking about scepticism. You know, I think this is actually why HYaffiliates is a good option. The broker has taken care of all the licenses and regulations, and I think this is what makes people sceptic most of the times. They fear forex scam. If broker is regulated and safe, we can fight that fear effectively.
Thanks for the advise!
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Unfortunately this is true that the myth of all forex brokers being a scam is really widespread. I would have thought so too if I didn’t know the guys who are actually making money with forex trading. I think if the plan is long-term and you are really interested in the niche overall, that would be nice to create some educational resource for newbies that can help them get through the first difficulties everyone faces when starts trading and then turn this resource into an affiliate source of traffic. The approach requires investing not only the money, but time as well.
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Thanks, but I think that there are enough educational resources anyway on the internet. I don’t think I can create a really good one on my own and I don’t have enough budget to hire professionals that can help with that. So far I’ve tried traditional traffic + ready-to-go ads that hy affiliates offer themselves.
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What countries did you target? And how did you like it?
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The company is not interested in the US traffic. Europe didn’t work out too well and I’ll be glad to get zero sum on this segment, but Asian market turned out to be very sensitive to the topic. I’ve got lots of leads so far. Not many of them funded accounts, which means … well, I hope this means they simply need more time there to make up their minds. The numbers look promising.
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Good to know, thx for sharing.
I've got another idea in mind. Lots of brokers offer some kind of a bonus program, traders' tournaments, other special offers. These can probably used to hook the new customers with a better chance of subscription than simple ads and standard marketing kits and banners.
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Correct, and this is actually why Asian region works better. HY offers a welcome bonus for non-EU customers, that work under some other regulatory rules than it's EU subsidiary. So this is another reason why EU clients are not that eager to apply. CySEc regulations that they work under in Europe limit the leverage significantly, don't allow any tournaments and bonuses. So basically good spreads and other trading conditions is the only attractive side of the broker that we can show them.
You are definitely right that a welcome bonus works better, so this is why I plan to continue targeting Asia for now, cuz here we've got this bait of a wecome bonus that get added to the funded account.
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Speaking of regulations, I've noticed that this is kinda great problem with brokers. People say they want a broker to have a NFA regulation or SySEC. From what I see Hy does not have a NFA regulation but a SySec only. Can this be a problem, what do you think?
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You can't market to the US customers in case they haven't got the NFA regulation.
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Correct, NFA regulation is for the USA.
American government won't be happy if you try marketing to their citizens without providing a significant security level to their funds. You know, its not worth messing with the US government lol
In any case, HY does not work with the US customers, so tht's not a problem if you ask my opinion.
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Gotcha, tnx for the anwers everybody. I still see the absense of the NFA regulation as a disadvantage. Guess will pass on this affiliate partner.
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I wouldn't consider this issue from this perspective only. You see, the NFA requires that all brokers must have at least 20 million dollars of their own cvapital invilved to support the liquidity and stability of the brokerage itself.
Moreover they charge some crazy fees so that brokers can be covered with their regulations. Inevitably this results in extra trading fees as customer have to pay for it all in the end.
CySEC works for EU customers, they also imply some limitations on the brokerage yet in some sense this regulator is preferable as they offer a balanced set of restrictions and advantages on the other side of the stick. THis is why customers from all over the work like it when the broker has got a CySEC regulations. On the one hand hey know there is a decent broker's yearly audit, on the other hand this regulation is not expensive enough to result in outrageous trading fees like it happens with NFA regulations.
Please not that non-EU customers won't be subjects to SySEC limitations on leverage, etc, as they will work with the other branch of HY, regualted by even less strict authorities. FOr them the CYSEC regulation will be nothing but a quality mark that the parent company wears.
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Oh, that makes it all much more clear! Tnx indeed!
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LOL, I've seen one of my facebook friends promoting the broker via his personal website
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I thought you can't promote any brokers on Facebook 8) There are lots of limitations for ads on Facebook in any case, but for CFD brokers' affiliates that's a real Mordor. Even if they are realible and regulated like HY
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Probably true, as he only shared the article from his website and definitely didn't leave any ref links in facebook directly.
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The policy sounds very stupid if you ask my opinion. Brokers spend millions of dollars to get reliable regulations like NFA's or at least a cheaper but still ok one from CySEC. And then they can't market themselves on FAcebook, simply cause CFD traders often lose money. Yeap they do, but they also know this well enough and they know what they are doing. At least if you promote regulated brokers, people will have less chances to run into a scam or some money-laundry machine.
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Agree, promoting regulated brokers should definitely be legalized everywhere. What kind of a liberty can we talk about if people aren't allowed to manage their savings as they wish. I can understand the ban of alcohol or tabacco promotion as it ruins health. But why limit people in the ways they want to spend their money. Moreover, they have a chance to trade well with HY broker either!
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That's not up to us to decide unfrotunately. I'm trying to find out whether he's got some nice leads at the moment. Did anybody get any so far BTW?
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Nice question, if I know the answer, it will help me a lot.
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I think I'll get my first payouts next month, fingers crossed. I did a good job and I wanna taste some fruits now.
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Sounds good. I bet you deserve the sweetest ones. The harvest is there when the fruit is ripe though.
Let us know in any case.
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The time has come!
I've requested the withdrawal and hopefully it won't take long for the moneyh to arrive. I was afraid the August won't be fruitful, as I know traders don't like being involved in markets at summer, yet all went fine and moreover, the leads that I though I've lost already and they will never fund their accounts - they woke up and funded.
So that's a piece of some good news that I wanted to share as promised.
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I hope the money is on account already. If it's not, than probably the info on the partner is not 100% reliable yet.
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I've made a withdrawal request last Friday. Yesterday I've got the money on account. Wire transfer takes little long unfortunately.
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Thanks for specifying the details, I appreciate.
Do I remember it correct, you've used the CPA approach only, correct? Are you still pleased with this choice?
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UPD from Swordseeker (discussed in PM):
swordseeker wrote:Yup, CPA only for now.
You know, that's difficult to answer your question. I think that CPA is very good for a start, when you want to get some returns asap. On the other hand, one of my leads has funded account with $7000 and I think it could be much more profitable if such leads were coverfed with rev share or lot rebate program. The problem is you never know in advance (
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Last edited by uperald on 12 Oct 20 11:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

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OMG, 7K to be sacrificed on the altar of Forex! Can't believe people don't know the other ways to waste the money.
In any case you've done well with hy affiliates. I didn't expect you to make it all the way through to tell the truth but I'm glad all went well eventually.
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Well, we don't really know whether that person is a professional trader or just a guy who 'doesn't know the other ways to waste the money'
I sincirely wish him success on the market, but my wish would have been even more sincere if we've worked on a revenue share basis with HY LOL
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uperald wrote:UPD from Swordseeker (discussed in PM):
On the other hand, one of my leads has funded account with $7000 and I think it could be much more profitable if such leads were coverfed with rev share or lot rebate program. The problem is you never know in advance (

uperald, I've shared that information in private communication and there was a reason for that. I don't appreciate sharing it in public without my concern. This info can be viewed as privacy sensitive by HY affiliates managers and I will need to explain why this info is in public now.
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Sorry, man, I just thought that was interesting to know for everyone in the thread. Didn't want to get u in trouble and I'm pretty sure I did not. We did not disclose any names and account numbers here. Sorry once again.
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Hello, everyone. I am experimenting with payment models for now. As far as I know, different Commission Types can be combined in HY affiliate. So, I want to compare them. For example, to launch one campaign on the model of a CPA, the second one – Rev-Share. Does it make sense to do this?
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Yeap, that`s true. You can use some approaches at once. Good idea. Tell us about your experiment later )
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Hm, it's interesting to know how to determine which type of commission for which ad campaign is better to apply?
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Well, obviously, it's better to choose a CPA if you launch a campaign in the UAE or the UK, for example. There are often maximum rewards on this model. But that's the way I think about it. Correct me if I'm wrong, please.
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Yes, HYaffiliates offers the highest rewards for clients from these countries. It's so.
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Let me tell you more about my ideas at the moment. I want to buy a Telegram channel about trading or investments. I have seen exciting ones with 20,000 - 30,000 subscribers.
I'll explain it. I noticed that trading signals are usually published in Telegram channels. That's why this messenger has all chances to become a point of concentration for traders. I'll look for them there!
But there is one issue. I will not be able to separate the audience from different countries in the Telegram. There is no targeting there. So, it's a question of how to mix different types of commissions in this case.
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Well, obviously, it's better to choose a CPA if you launch a campaign in the UAE or the UK, for example. There are maximum rewards on this model. But that's the way I think about it. Correct me if I'm wrong, please.

I've been thinking about it for a while, and I've come to the following conclusion. The choice of the commission type depends not only on geography. I mean it does matter, but with some other details to consider.
I think it's also relevant to consider the characteristics of the target audience. For example, if it's newcomers, it's definitely better to choose the CPA model. Because there is a high probability that their passion for trading will pass quickly. This means that in the long term, they will not bring you money.
And if you're targeting more advanced traders, it's optimal to use the Rev-Share model. Since these ones tend to trade long and with high volumes.

Let me tell you more about my ideas at the moment. I want to buy a Telegram channel about trading or investments. I have seen exciting ones with 20,000 - 30,000 subscribers.
I'll explain it. I noticed that trading signals are usually published in Telegram channels. That's why this messenger has all chances to become a point of concentration for traders. I'll look for them there!
But there is one issue. I will not be able to separate the audience from different countries in the Telegram. There is no targeting there. So, it's a question of how to mix different types of commissions in this case.

That's a good question. Any ideas on how to solve the problem?
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dala wrote:Let me tell you more about my ideas at the moment. I want to buy a Telegram channel about trading or investments. I have seen exciting ones with 20,000 - 30,000 subscribers.
I'll explain it. I noticed that trading signals are usually published in Telegram channels. That's why this messenger has all chances to become a point of concentration for traders. I'll look for them there!
But there is one issue. I will not be able to separate the audience from different countries in the Telegram. There is no targeting there. So, it's a question of how to mix different types of commissions in this case.

Yes, in your case, it's difficult to choose the type of commission. The method that Swordseeker offers is also tricky to apply. Because you don't know exactly what kind of audience is in the channel. Well, indirectly, you can look at the composition of the audience through analytics services. There you can see gender, age, and sometimes even from which ads people came. So try this option. But why don't you want to develop the Telegram channel yourself? If you were to recruit an audience for your channel by yourself, you could target only certain regions, for example.
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Hadn't thought about it! It seemed too complicated to me.
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I realy like the idea about CPA for beginners and Rev-Share for advanced traders is exciting. I never thought of it that way.
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Yeap, it's really about experience and being able to analyze information. By the way, it was the in-depth analytics, including that really attracted me to hy affiliates at one time.
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huh, what kind of analytics is there? Please tell me. Maybe I will also be interested.
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Certainly) I'm referring to the Reports section in my Personal Area. It has everything you might need in affiliate marketing, from the number of unique visitors for each campaign to attracted traders' history. It's easy to track every possible parameter and optimize your results.
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Oh, that's interesting. Usually, affiliate programs use some questionable services with link tracking problems and other nonsense.
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Yes, I've heard about that too. But this is the first time I've heard about in-depth analysis in HY Affiliates.
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How are things going with the Telegram channel? Did anything come of your idea? It's so exciting.
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Yes and no. Both. I gave up purchasing a ready-made telegram channel. It is expensive, and I'm buying a pig in a poke. So I started my own channel, which already has 2,500 readers. I have already received about 10 leads from it. And 1 referral even funded his account, so I'm waiting for my first payout!
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Oh, congratulations! How long did it take you to get your first rewards? P.S.: hello everyone :)
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It takes about two and a half months. But my other leads haven't made the deposit yet, which makes me a little sad.
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Hello, everyone. I’m excited to share the news! Recently I did a collaboration with another Telegram channel. As a result, my channel has grown very substantially. And the number of leads has also increased.
But most importantly, those who have registered on my referral link a month or two ago have started depositing! Finally, my efforts began to yield results. I’m absolutely chuffed with it!
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Congratulations to you! By the way, I also want to share my progress. There is one more deposit from a lead who registered a long time ago. So it's true that in affiliate marketing, the result does not come at once.
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Hy, guys. You are hotshots in this! I read this thread and realize that success in affiliate marketing is not a matter of chance.
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Thnx and welcome:) I hope you found something useful here.
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Absolutely. Before it, I had a mess in my head about how to start attracting referrals. But now I have some clarity and a couple of exciting ideas:)
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That's interesting. Share with us the ideas that you want to take as a basis. Perhaps we can add something. I remember how much I needed support and advice at the beginning of my journey.
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Well, I've already discarded the idea of promoting the broker on Facebook. Although everyone says that there is a very solvent audience. But I've read here that there are many restrictions on the advertising and promotion of brokers. So I'm not considering media buying.
But attracting traffic from Asia with the help of the website seemed like a great idea to me.
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Yes, I see that you have read this thread carefully :) Well, in fact, there are no universal recipes here. Someone promotes the broker's services through the website, someone through a Telegram channel. But the main thing that you should know how to use such tools.
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I absolutely agree. You need to understand the mechanics of working with this or that medium for promoting. I, for example, don't know anything about Clubhouse. Accordingly, I don't use it to attract a new audience. Although this social network is now at the peak of popularity. And I know affiliates who are successfully promoting the broker there.
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The more I learn about Asian market in regard of forex the more I find this region to be the most promising one. Looks like the share of retail traders is constanly growing there. I hope I'm not missing anything.
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Most brokers' don't pay too much for the leads from this area. The issue is that they normally don't deposit as much as cusotmers from wealthier countries.
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It's also worth noting that the fact that the number of customers in the area can't grow forever. There was the potential in Asia for sure, but the more people start trading the less potential remains LOL.
So the point is to notice the area where the potential is still huge but that's not that obvious yet.. Possibly South Americas is where the potential is, but I'm not sure.
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Good idea about South Amwericas. I found out that Brazil's forex market has been growing diring the last several years, but not for as long as it's been growing in Asia. The local financial situation created some interest and attention in Brazil to retail forex trading. I guess its worth digging a bit deeper in the subject.
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Once again the discussion turned out to be much more useful than I could have hoped! Thanks yall for great suggestions!
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I think growing markets are good in terms of the number of leads, but most of them are newbies, which makes the conversion process more complicated.
In my opinion, having a flow of leads is not enough to make good money in affiliate marketing. You need to make an effort to convert those leads into clients. So you have to find a sales person, arrange conversations and feedback from potential depositors, keep posting attractive and motivational content. But the content itself does not push people to action. You need to find out personal goals, concerns and objections to overcome them and push people.
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I’ve heard about chat-bots to create auto-funnels for sales in Facebook messenger. The basic idea is to create a conversation algorithm, describe possible objections and make the robot talk to leads with the purpose of pushing them to make an action. Has anyone tried this approach?
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I personally doubt the efficiency of such a chat-bot. It looks like a quiz with options to answer, no chance to type anything. Most people would understand that they talk to a robot. They don’t like such automation.
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You should not bother about that. Especially if you target people ready to invest last cash in margin trading with a high leverage haha. But I agree about the human factor. The only concern is that talking to all of the leads is time-consuming, but conversion jumps in that case. Try to offer additional services like consulting or market analysis or education.
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How about educational webinars? Something simple like defining trends and drawing trendlines or using technical indicators?
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That might be interesting for some audience, but you should understand that you will need to post a series of such videos or host webinars constantly. Again, you will need to promote them as the market is full of such content. Need to have a unique sales point to attract people. Something unusual. Like trading without any technical indicators using a pure price action.
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I like the idea of teaching people interested in trading cryptos. HYCM has cryptos in the pipeline, and most beginners do not have an idea that technical rules are the same for any kind of asset. So I’m focusing on a niche of cryptos but post simple materials about technical analysis. That works for me so far.
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You’d better keep in mind that a lot of people will join free webinars just to harm you. So if you want to host them live, then you should mute all of the participants and not allow them to use drawings and screen sharing. I had a bad experience. One guy can spoil many efforts.
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Thanks for your comments, mates.
What do you think of the HY affiliate platform in the scope of statistical data? Which filters do you find the most informative for the analysis of past performance?
As for me, I like the way the portal displays the data about the number of ad views and clicks filtered by a campaign.
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Let me tell you a thing. I used to have a partnership agreement with another broker a couple of years ago, and I find the HY platform much more convenient and informative. I’m sure that I will get every piece of information I need for a detailed analysis of my results here. I use the number of registrants in relation to the number of depositors to get the full picture of the conversion rate. I mean the number of views and click matter but the real result is seen when people register and deposit, right? If they don’t make the second step, there’s a trouble at the very last stage of the process, so you could make some conclusions out of that.
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Seriously? But why would people register and hesitate to deposit? What might hold them from the last step? I thought that if a person has registered a trading account, he or she should deposit sooner or later..
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Well, there could be a bunch of reasons for that. One of them is related to the quiz that HYCM has as the protection from regulators not to let inexperienced traders into the risky environment. I had a couple of cases like that. A guy wanted to trade but failed to pass the test. So he had to wait for another chance afterwards.
Some people could be not so serious when registering a live account. Their plans could change or they could just lose the amount they wanted to deposit to HYCM with another broker. My point is that it happens and it really hurts the overall conversion rate.
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I think you should ask the HY support team or even your personal account manager to follow up with such prospects. That is the job of the sales department to close clients that have already registered but haven’t deposited yet. At least, you have done your job at the moment when a client has clicked your referral link and opened a live account. Or even a demo account. After that, the company should finish the process, I suppose. As far as I remember, the history of the IP address to click your referral link should be saved for three months, and that’s more than enough to close the deal.
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Do you guys use some kinds of news feeds to attract clients for the HY affiliate program? If yes, what are the results?
For instance, I see the price of oil breaking through several long-term resistance levels in its uptrend. Is it going to continue, or should we find reversal points? Such a question might get the audience interested, I suppose.
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Yeah, that is one of the most attractive things for our prospects. Whether you’re an experienced trader or a newbie, you should be interested in market analysis, news, rumors and other things related to trading decisions. This is something that traders do on a daily basis. So if you were able to create an eye-catching content with interesting analysis and even trading opinions, then you should get at least a certain number of subscribers or followers depending on the flow of visitors and views. I use it very often. The occasion of the price of oil is a very good example of what people read.
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Before making any forecasts, you should understand the background of the recent price action. The black gold is not only a commodity, the price of which is determined by demand/supply factors. It’s also a speculative instrument. The equity market appeared under the selling pressure on profit-taking flows and rumors about the Federal Reserve’s possible step to hike the interest rates. As a result, we have additional inflationary pressure from the side of commodities and other materials required for manufacturing and production. So the price of oil could easily keep surging. Just do not forget about possible retracements when you pitch that to your leads.
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I usually attract clients with success stories of the Bitcoin uptrend. I show them pictures of charts like “before and after”. I point out several technical factors that led to the uptrend, and say that they can do the same with simple technical analysis. It usually works as most of the crypto traders don’t suspect that technical analysis works for every kind of asset.
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I tried a new approach, and I want to share it with you. Maybe, you could give me more ideas about this way of targeting prospects.
What I noticed in recent months is that the conversion rate is not so good if I simply place ads and banners at any kind of web resources. So I had an idea of adding one more step for the prospects in their way to success LOL
The basic idea is to get people interested to join a whatsapp group or telegram channel, and get their contact details, or invite them to join an interesting conversation. It can be about the market conditions for instance.
I talk to them, find their pains and needs, and offer personal conditions for making the deposit with HYCM. That can be a free one-on-one coaching session, or a month of free trading signals.
I can see that the number of depositors jumped after I applied this method.
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That can be effective if you have enough free time to chat with those guys. I can only imagine the bunch of questions they usually ask. Such people would keep telling you stories instead of taking action. As for me, that is a waste of time unless you hire someone to do that job. I’m not that kind of person who would like to chat the whole day.
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Interesting. That might work. I mean you don’t have to necessarily talk to them every day. You may use group chats to post some kind o f content related to fundamental events in the market. You can also use it for promotions and triggers, spreading your referral link. At least, that can be a source of subscribers who read your content from time to time.
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Well, if you have a large flow of leads, then making group chats would help you warm the leads up, and find the ones who are interested in depositing weight away. I remember I talked to a guy who was asking questions like how much money can I make from trading next month? Such a question forces me to talk to the guy immediately as I understand the background. I used to work in sales, and that’s a very effective way to convert leads to clients.
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Group channels are good for additional services. If you have an educational or consulting web resource, then go for it. At least, you could get some cash from those leads who are not interested to deposit and trade with HYCM.
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agamagelv wrote:Well, if you have a large flow of leads, then making group chats would help you warm the leads up, and find the ones who are interested in depositing weight away. I remember I talked to a guy who was asking questions like how much money can I make from trading next month? Such a question forces me to talk to the guy immediately as I understand the background. I used to work in sales, and that’s a very effective way to convert leads to clients.

That reminds me of the Wolf of the Wall Street movie. Remember, when Di Caprio said that you've got that hot moment to sell this shit to a potential customer when you first talk to him. Later is gonna be late if you give him a chance to hesitate and consider all other options. I can imagine its not only true about selling penny stocks to inexperienced greedy investors but is also true about traders.
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A software development company should have a solid reputation. A software development company should have a strong client list. A software company should have a good understanding of your needs and be willing to accommodate them as needed. The team should also be experienced in navigating software and other technical issues. Most companies offer the following services: (https://mlsdev.com/services/business-analysis) A developer should be able to develop and maintain an industry-standard software. If a customer needs to make changes, he should be able to communicate those changes through the application.
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Last edited by mikemoneyro on 23 Dec 21 11:05 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 47
Joined: 09 Jun 19
That reminds me of the Wolf of the Wall Street movie. Remember, when Di Caprio said that you've got that hot moment to sell this shit to a potential customer when you first talk to him. Later is gonna be late if you give him a chance to hesitate and consider all other options. I can imagine its not only true about selling penny stocks to inexperienced greedy investors but is also true about traders.

Ahahha, I remember that! but hey, even though the message is truthful in the essence, it feels like I need to note here that we are not really selling shit here. For me personally that makes a crucial difference whether I believe my leads can make money with forex trading or not. If I don't believe they can succeed, how can I get persuasive enough. you've got to believe in what you offer.
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heh, I'm not with you on this one. We all know the stats and we all know most CFD traders fail, don't we? This doesn't prevent us from selling a dream to these guys. We don't sell the opportunity to trade. We really do sell a dream of getting successful and rich QUICKLY.
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