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How to load a product onto Clickbank?

Posts: 12
Joined: 29 Apr 09

How to load a product onto Clickbank?

Need some help understanding how clickbank works with a product. I have an ebook that I want to put on clickbank and have completed the URL and thank you page, etc in the setup.

My question is how do I load the ebook so that when people buy the product they get the download to my product. The ebook is a pdf so it will be downloaded by the buyer.

I do not see anyplace to load my ebook. How does this part work, did I miss something in my setup process?
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Posts: 1004
Joined: 16 Jun 06
You just need to setup a download page. You tell Clickbank where you want people to be sent after payment. Then just upload your content and make it downloadable from the download page :)

Hope that helps,

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Thanks for the information I think....

Right now the product sits on my pc in a directory. Are you saying people need to be directed to this directory or is there some other service I should be subcribing to in order to upload my product for buyers to be sent to and then be able to download the book? If so, what services do this that I may need to subscribe to?

Sorry if this sounds basic but its the first ebook and clickbank doesn't really have any clear direction on this part of the process.
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Posts: 1004
Joined: 16 Jun 06
Just upload the product like you did with your web pages. Setup a thankyou page that has a link to your product.

So lets say you upload product.pdf to your root directory. You'd download it by this link: www.yoursite.com/product.pdf

Is that clear?

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Free Training Videos reveal how I make 6 figures while travelling the world

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