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How Do You Link Directly to the Clickbank Order Page?

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How Do You Link Directly to the Clickbank Order Page?

Hi all

I'd really appreciate it if Mark of someone else could answer this.

I want to promote an affiliate product on clickbank that has a squeeze page on its home page (the page where the default hoplink goes to). So I want to bypass the home page and take my visitors directly to the sales page that I have already found on another page of the site.

I know I've heard it said before that this can be done but after searching for a while I've only been able to find out how to link directly to the clickbank order page and not to any other page of the site.


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Last edited by michellerana on 17 Feb 10 4:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Hi Jayen,
I would suggest contacting the vendor who is selling the product.
Also, I just watched that video and what they are suggesting is against clickbanks TOS.

Maybe some one else has a better option for this.
Hope you get it solved.
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Personally I would not promote an affiliate product that has a squeeze page and just has a normal website set up. The only way I will be promoting an affiliate product that has a squeeze page is if it is structured like Russel Brunson's micro continuity site where it offers a Free CD where the customer pays shipping and handling.

If you drive traffic to the merchant site and if the visitor signs up for the merchant's opt in form, would you be credited for the sale in the future when the same visitor eventually buys? Cause with a micro continuity type of sales structure, if the visitor gets the free CD and pays the shipping and handling, they signed up through your affiliate link. There is usually an O.T.O bump in the sales process and if they get this one time offer then you get a commission. Just my 2 cents.

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Thank you for your posts.


I already contacted his support and they told me they hoped to have a solution to this "in the near future", that was over a month ago as i moved on to over projects.

As for directly linking to the order page, I'm not so sure if it is against their TOS, are you referring to what was said in the last comment posted on the blog post i linked to about this in my first post?

Quote blog comment:

"Hi Guys,
This is against Clickbanks TOS and will get you banned.

“You will not interfere with ClickBank’s tracking of Commissions, or with the normal flow of traffic to, through, or from the ClickBank Services.”

What you are suggesting is you are interupting the normal flow of traffic??"

I'm not so sure i follow the logic there. It is also talked about as a valid method in the Clickbank guide website and Rosalind Gardner has also made a video on using this method plus i read several warrior forum posts about this where the more experienced affiliate marketers argued that it was acceptable within the TOS. Either way it's not something i want to try just now and if i did I'd definitely research it a little more first to be on the safe side.


Yes i know what you're saying, this is the very reason i intend to bypass the squeeze page and take my visitors right to the sales page ;)
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OK it took some digging but i've now found out how to do it ;)

It's done using a redirect that first passes the affiliate id and then redirects the visitor to the page of your choice. Thankfully i was able to find a free online affiliate link cloaker that creates the files all for you :)


I've just tested this with a real affiliate link and it works great. It bypassed the squeeze page all together and took me to the page i told it to and on the clickbank checkout my affiliate id was there (yes i did delete all cookies etc first).

Now to get writing those reviews ;)

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Hi Jayen,
Well I have not contacted clickbank about this and I will email them today and ask.
Hopefully they say it is ok as that would be very handy to do.
Glad you found a solution anyway.

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Actually, I just found out from Harvey segal on one of his sites.
Harvey said.. "ClickBank demand that you MUST get approval from the vendor before
bypassing his sales page. "
There ya go.. so just get approval and it's ok.

The reason why clickbank may frown on this is because..
When affiliates bypass merchant pages they leave themselves and the merchant at risk. CB enforces that the merchant have a refund policy, CB statements, disclaimers, direct contact email to the publisher, support, legal copy etc. all displayed before purchase. When affiliates write up their own pages and go direct, they often by-pass the above and the customer is ill-informed, not cleared or protected, and neither is the publisher.

I will still contact clickbank to see if it is against the TOS in anyway.
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-- Robert Brault
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Hi Troy

Jayen was talking about bypassing the squeeze page NOT the Sales page

If you read his posts again you will see he is talking about in fact bypassing the squeeze page so that he can actually go direct to the vendors Sales Page.

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Hi Ian,
Thanks for pointing that out.
I think I'm working too hard...I am seeing double on the screen here..lol
My mistake, but good to have the conversation anyway about this.
Made me look around google for answers and found a few other things about clickbank that I needed to brush up on..lol
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Thanks Troy

I should have been clearer with my other post, but still as you say it's good to have the conversation.

Yes in regards to the method of linking right to the order page off of your own copy (not something i'd be doing right now) i noticed that at the bottom of the page from the Clickbank guide i linked to above it also said that you must get permission from the product owner first. For the reasons you say it would make sense.

Still, all i want to do for now is bypass the squeeze page and take my visitors right to the sales page of the product. With the free link cloaking service i linked to above you can do that easily.

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Renato, just to clarify, as long as the merchant doesn't do anything dodgy, there's no reason why squeeze pages are a problem. I don't know who's been saying otherwise (I've seen loads of people mention this) but with Clickbank, once people click your hoplink, they get cookied.

It doesn't matter if someone opts in to a list or not, if they buy within 60 days, you'll get credit. The only way to not get commission from a squeeze page is if the merchant uses another hoplink in the emails he sends out.

Which is really dodgy and I don't know any merchants who would do that early on as it would kill their affiliates sales.

Let me know if that doesn't clear things up.

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Hi Sean,
I think it's because the squeeze page may be ugly...lol
The product may be good... but the adcopy is not.
But I do agree with what you said above.
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I just want to say something about using 3 rd party software...
1. Can you always trust the 3 party?
How can someone be absolutely sure that the owner of the redirect software is not skimming some of your sales?

2. You do not control the links.
If the owner of the software closes down or decides to charge $500 for the service... you then have to go through dozens or even hundreds of links to change them all around again to a different redirect or service.

Just my thoughts..
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Hi Sean

In my case my main reason for avoiding the squeeze page and linking directly to the sales page is that I'm reviewing the product and so I'll be telling my visitors to go and get it. If i link to the squeeze page they will be taken to a page that does not mention anything about the book at all and only tells them to download some free report, they only get the opportunity to buy later. Also i've been given an additional free report to give away that has links to get the book, but again right now they make them have to download a second free report before they can buy, that's very messy especially as in the book it actually says to get the book here and then again takes them to the main page that says nothing about the book they just clicked a link for!

On top of this I'll be eventually trying to get subscribers that i can mail about the different affiliate products I'm promoting, it's not going to be very good if on one hand I'm emailing them about a product and then on the other the product owner is also emailing them about it as well. Plus although I'm sure most product owners will not use there own links in emails they can still promote other books by other people when they like and that would mean our chances of getting an affiliate sale will go down as the product we are promoting is now competing against another that we won't get paid on.

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Last edited by bizinhome on 12 Aug 09 1:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Hi Troy

The free cloaker i linked to above is not like services like tinyurl etc where you are redirected though there website, this app simply creates the encrypted redirect code that you then need to upload to your domain via FTP in a recommends folder for example. The redirect takes place on your site, in fact because it's a java scrip redirect it can show the page as a page off of your domain in the address bar. If the owner of the tool decides to pull it none of your links will be effected! It is simply a tool to create the code, nothing more and nothing less.

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Oh ok, Well thanks Jayen.
It's been a good discussion in my opinion.

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Agreed :)

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hi , how would we know, if we earned profit, or i gained
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"hi , how would we know, if we earned profit, or i gained"

Do you mean how would you know if the affiliate link was working?

To check your affiliate link is working for a clickbank product you just need to delete your cookies (to make sure you weren't already cookied already by one of your other links) and then click your link to the sales page of the product, then click on the order buton on the page and follow the process though to the clickbank checkout, at the bottom of the page you should see somethign like affiliate=your id.

If there's nothing there then your link isn't cooking you and something is wrong with the link. As long as your affiliate id shows up you should get credit for sales.

I hope that helps

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Gotcha Jayen, got it all sorted out I see :)
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sean06 wrote:Gotcha Jayen, got it all sorted out I see :)

Yes it's all coming together now ;)

We're new to Affiliate marketing, but have been working on adsense type sites for some time, so that helps ;)

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This topic was started on Aug 09, 2009 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
