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Have a topic - Where to next? Adsense? Affiliate Products?

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Have a topic - Where to next? Adsense? Affiliate Products?

:) Hi all,

I've found a topic that interests me but was wondering if I could get a little advice ; :roll: When I checked for a google search I found that there were other websites monetizing with adsense etc and there were also sponsored listings for affiliate products . My topic is sales strategies (but this only has a low count for inventory.oviture.com). IF I do a search on invetnory.ovture.com for just sales it is a lot higher. Can I get an opinion whether i'm on the right track or not :oops: .

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Hey Carl,

You say that there is competition there for this topic, that is a good thing as you now know that there is money to be made here. My advise to you is to stick to the sales strategies term and see if you can find other longer tailed terms like "best way to make a sale" for example. There are lots of terms that can be found like this which wil not have as much competition as sales as this is a very hard term to get ranked for. :)
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I would try to find a topic with a variety of keywords you can use.... and also ones with a decent number of searches.
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How much are we talking here? I don't see the point in spending a lot of effort on SEO only to end up getting a maximum of 20 visitors a day. You're gonna want a decent ROI for your time.

Not saying this is good or bad, we just need to know some numbers to see how good it could be.
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Hi guys ,

I gues I'm getting a little strung on this :oops: .When I do a search for a topic how many searches per month would be good as an average and is sales to broad , in other words maby I should find a niche??(ie sales stratagies for the beginner??)


P.S. I've been buisy but back into it now
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It really depends on how big an industry you want to tackle first.

50,000 a month for a main keyword is a pretty big market, but it would also be quite competitive.

If there are a lot of other keywords that still have a high number of searches, but aren't as competitive, this could be a good opportunity.

Feel free to send me a PM if you're still having trouble and don't want to make anything public, although I'd encourage you to just post it here :)
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Free Training Videos reveal how I make 6 figures while travelling the world
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Find a market with at least 30 keywords you can go after... using overture..... a general term for that market somewhere between 6K and up.
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HI adrian and sean06,

Man the more I try to think about this the harder it is getting, is this normal for a newbee??My interests are sales/marketing, dogs, and making money just to name a few. hey I have been using ad word analyzer instead of oviture if thats alright.

Any sugestions????
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Hi carnic,

Most of the people that I know had the same problem starting out... I started out without the benefit of Affilorama many months ago and over analyzed the heck out things and really delayed my progress. I found it best to just stop over-thinking and start taking action.

Relax and jump in, there are plenty here to help you along the way... Sean and Adrian gave you some guidlines, choose something that has good looking numbers and you enjoy and you'll do great! :)

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Posts: 16
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Hi all,
hows it goin I have been looking around and I may have found something that works;
A website on debt
broad search for debt is 128782 searches done last month with 89 other key words and each of the 89 kw has over 6000 searches done last month.When I did a google check there were some websites that hd adsense ads and 1 with a link to an ebook package.Sponsered links for ppc , well some of them were direct to bank/finance institution and some were to affiliate programs ebooks etc. The average cost perclick seems to be from $0.05 to a max of $39.00 with the average being over $10.00.I think this could be a go as it should work for ppc and/or adsense, it will be a big job for my first go.
Any comments or if you want to double check my stats to make sure I hav'nt stuffed up would be great.

Thanks for the help

P.s. Hey pc I will jump in to it and hopefully not over analyze too much :lol: I just want get the research right as it would apper from other threads that if I cock it up it becomes a learning curve more than a profitable learning curve.
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