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Google Adsense and Images

Posts: 7
Joined: 19 Jun 06

Google Adsense and Images

Hi everyone

I've been playing around a bit with images beside my adsense ads to see if I can get a bit of action going.

My first question is, I have made up some banners of five images to go over the top of five google ads.
That is fine for here when I am usually served four ads plus the google plug:
(broken link removed)

But on this page, I am served anything from one to four ads. Do you think the images look daft when they sit over just a couple of links?
(broken link removed)

Second question ... do you think these are the right sort of google ads to run for these pages ... should I be using text ads instead? Or is it a case of test, test, test :wink:

Thanks for your time
Cheers, Erin
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Last edited by ampie g on 27 Jan 10 3:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: broken links removed

Posts: 36
Joined: 25 Jun 06
Hi Erin,

Just a word of caution - you really should remove the line that reads:
"Simply click on the images below to see more details." right above the images above the Adsense ads. This is dangerously close if not an actual violation of Googles AS Terms of Service.

Maybe I'm just paranoid, but it's much better to be safe than sorry when it comes to dealing with the "Big G".

Your images do work very nicely over the AS link units. You're right about not being able to control how many ads get displayed over the images. I've found that if I use the 250 x 250 square that only displays 2 ads, then I know I'll always have 2 ads under 2 images.

You have a very nicely designed site BTW. It also looks like an interesting niche.

Good luck!

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Oops, I meant to say I use the 468x60 banner to get 2 ads, not the 250 x250. I just got finished putting up some new AS stuff on one of my pages and I have the 250x250 square on the brain :oops:

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Thanks for your response, Rich. I see what you mean ... I hadn't even noticed that offensive line of type!

The line
"Simply click on the images below to see more details."
was for the gallery image/price guide below to ensure users were getting all the information about each product, and was put in before I was running google adsense ads.

Nothing like a fresh pair of eyes! I'll move that line immediately.

Thanks again.
Cheers, Erin
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Posts: 36
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Hi Erin,

I figured that line referred to the product images below the AS unit.

On a side note, when I was a kid my family owned a Boston Terrier. My parents were constantly buying Boston Terrier statues and figurines. We had them in the full range of sizes from thumbnail tiny all the way up to bigger than life size. I know firsthand that customers in your niche can be downright fanatical!

I'll need to search around your site for pug figurines since that's the breed that I currently share my life with :wink:

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Hi Rich

I agree ... the Boston Terrier folk are fanatic (as are most other 'breed' people)

Pugs are here:
(broken link removed)

Not much info, yet but I'm getting there. To be honest, I've bitten off way more than I can chew with this site. One day, when it starts making some dosh, I'll get some help in!

When I was a child the people up the road had a Pug. It used to wear a coat in winter, with a handkerchief in the side pocket. I couldn't believe my eyes! Not something that normally went on in 1960s New Zealand.

But I really fell in love with Pugs through the Eloise books by Kay Thompson, illustrated by HIllary Knight.. Wonderful books, and I've still got some first editions of them.

I'm personally sharing furniture, bedding, food and time with a Basenji and a mainly-fox terrier mutt. They keep me insane. :twisted:

All the best,
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Last edited by ampie g on 27 Jan 10 3:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: broken link removed
