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Getting CJ links in AWeber

Posts: 25
Joined: 18 Sep 09

Getting CJ links in AWeber

OK - I tried Aweber support & CJ... let me just say that you guys are usually more helpful and know how to fix this rookie question.

Setting up my autoresponder series. (Finally) Easy to put in Clickbank links bec. they are just a URL. When I try to get my Commision Junction links the choices are HTML or Javascript. When I post the whole HTML link in the autoresponder message (HTML, not plain text option) id doesn't work. You have to hyperlink on text with a URL. Now, you probably all already know that.

Here's the question. If I extract just the URL (first part) from the CJ script they give me how do I know if it has my affiliate link in it? ; ) I can e-mail you the link to look at if you have no idea what I'm talking about.

Thanks in advance.
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ampie g
Posts: 381
Joined: 15 Oct 08
Hi Redlotus, it is best to contact the advertiser directly to make sure you use the correct link.
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Posts: 1895
Joined: 01 Jun 09
Here's a sample link code from CJ:

The affiliate link there would be the first URL, i.e., http://www.dpbolvw.net/click-2974689-10420809

2974689 is the Publisher ID (that's the affiliate) and 10420809 is the Advertisement ID (that's the ID for the particular link that you selected). The PID will remain the same for all links but the AID will vary depending on the link you selected. You will know your PID by looking at the PID field in any Get HTML or Get JavaScript screen that you open.

Hope that answers your question.

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Posts: 25
Joined: 18 Sep 09
Thank you SO much. Once Aweber could finally get back into their office (snow - yikes, I live in California, what do I know?) they were very helpful and I got it sorted.
Thanks for explaining the CJ links, Faradina, it always looked like gibberish to me. : ) I just always want to make sure it's gibberish that gets me paid.
You guys are the best!
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