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Found 3 products in clickbank but not sure if profitable

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Found 3 products in clickbank but not sure if profitable

I found 3 products in clickbank that I'm interested in which have to do with woodworking plans.

I'm a semi retired carpenter and this is right up my alley plus I have written a bunch of articles at Ezine and GoArticles on 2 of these products as a member of 4DMMB (4 Day Money Making Blueprint, a new site that teaches article and bum marketing)

I did mostly redirects and got lots of views on these articles but no sales.

The 2 products I promoted have a gravity of 49.73 and 60 and the third one I am adding has a gravity of only 13.46.

I know the lesson in AffiloBluprint, it said that at least one of the products should have a gravity of at least 30 so I'm all right on that score.

I'm just a little nervous about tackling this woodworking plans niche again because writing those articles was a lot of work that produced nothing ( it took me about 3 hours to write each article trying to follow the 4DMMB lesson guidelines) and I considered them well written,even got good rankings in Google.

Do you think this niche will do better with a website ( I've never built one before) or do you think I should look for something else in Clickbank to go with.

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Last edited by michellerana on 15 Dec 09 3:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: improve title

Larry Bauge
Posts: 373
Joined: 24 Nov 09
I think it is a great niche. I am sure there are plenty of keywords to target,

The best part is it something you are interested in.

You could eventually start a news letter and get opt ins. In time you could have a large following.
You could sell physical to your list!

It's not a starving crowd but I think people do spend on there hobbies.
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JC Dean
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a big thing is that direct linking seldom works. most of the people I have met who have succeeded with it admit that they resorted to black hat and unethical methods to do so.

You need to build a site on the niche where you can lead people into buying something.

my concern is that with the economy a hoby site like that may not do well right now. not much of a crisis niche, unless they let me near the power tools :)

I am a cabinet maker ,and I looked into that type of site myself. the few people I met who where running one said they were doing it for fun and rarely ever made money with it.
I was considering a low fee membership site where we design a new plan every two weeks for the members to download, and do some custom designs for a fee.
after looking into the market, I decided there was not enough money in it right now. perhaps once the economy turns around and people can afford those extras I will try it.
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New at SEO but think that there are thousands of keywords that could bring a flood of traffic.
I think "Something Plans" is a buy keyword.

People looking for plans are probably already spending money on there hobby for tools and what not.
DIY niches may improve in a bad economy, not fualter.

Just an opinion could be wrong, did no research.

P.S. I don't think Mary was planing on direct linking.
P.P.S. just curios how would you do black hat direct linking?
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JC Dean
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the black hat methods are on how they get traffic to their articles. There are rules on what you can and cannot do to drive traffic to articles on the directories. Some people ignore those rules. then they cry when their accounts get banned.

the OP stated that they were direct linking already and not making money at it.

my statements about the profitablity comes from research I did a couple of months ago. I actually got in contact with a few people I know who have sites in the niche, and they are not making much. A few sales here and there but no consistent income.
They stay in the niche because of their passion for it, the money is just a bonus to them.
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Hi James

When I was with 4DMMB, David the site founder teaches article marketing by way of video tutorials and he did do a video on the use of Squidoo lenses and how to properly build one and later said he only taught that because his mentor Travis Sago uses them in his Bum Marketing lessons

In a later video he taught us to use re directs instead of linking to your lens, blog, or web site because if you didn't do a great job on your web site then the buyer will go no further (I know it happened to me with my lenses).

So re directing your article directly to the merchant site that has put a lot of time and money into building his web site and coming up with a quality site, plus the buyer ends up there anyway, so why clog up the the process with your site that the buyer might not like, so just send them where they are going to end up "The Merchant Site" and save yourself a lot of work.

David said by doing this you increase your visits and sales by about 30%, but then again I didn't make any money yet and most of my articles are well ranked in google so go figure, maybe they will get better with age.

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Larry Bauge
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Besides just checking the gravity of those products, have you checked Amazon.com for similar products to see if there are very many reviews?

Have you entered those product names directly into Google to see if there are other people selling them and, if so, how many of those advertisers are there? You could also use SpyFu.com to see how long people have been advertising on those keyword phrases. If they've been there more than a couple weeks you can be pretty certain that they're making money.

Have you used the Google keyword tool to see how many people per month are searching for this type of information?

Personally, if you already wrote several articles on the topic, but didn't get any conversions, that would send up a red flag to me. However, I don't know what product you were offering, what the salesletter was like, how much traffic was actually sent to the page, if the traffic was extremely targeted or just "browsers" and "freebie seekers", etc.

I'd definitely do some more in-depth research on it before I went to the trouble of building a site. There may be something else out there that would be a better use of your time and effort.

Just because you happen to be good at something or have a lot of experience doesn't necessarily mean it's the best thing to promote.

By the way, I've done a lot of direct linking before but it really makes more sense to send people to an opt-in form and try to build a list. You can always hit them up with a one time offer after they sign up.

Offer them a training course or short report as incentive for signing up. You can modify some PLR articles and make a good report for cheap or have it written for you at Elance.com.

When you send people directly to the offer you build someone elses business. When you get them on your list you build up YOUR business. Make sense?

Good luck.

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Thanks for the info Joe but I haven't got to the stage of building a list yet,or better put I don't know the technical ways of doing it yet, and I don't want to invest in an autoresponder monthly fee until I know what I'm doing.

I hope to get to that in an upcoming lesson

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Larry Bauge
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@marymeagan I understand the concept of direct linking, but if you build your sites according to what Affilorama teaches here, You will not have any problems with converting. I speak from my own experiences with direct linking, and after several hundred articles with good traffic and clickthroughs I had 3 sales.

not a good investment of my time.
Since I started following the teachings here on how to build my own sites, I am promoting the same products and making 3-5 sales/week in that niche. And that site is not built up to get a lot of rankings on the internal pages yet. The main source of traffic I have right now is all the links I had built up when I was direct linking off of the main URL.
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James, curious to know how many link building methods are you using? Are you just using AMA or?
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