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Clickbank Programs - how long do they last?

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Joined: 14 Feb 10

Clickbank Programs - how long do they last?

Hi all,

I am currently well underway on Week 1 of AB and had a question as regards the lifetime of products on CB.

If a particular product as a mega big Gravity it is obviously selling well and you would imagine that this product would sell on for infinity - after all peoples needs don't change (fat loss etc)

Why is it that some product example used on AB no longer appear on CB sometime later? Surely the aim here is for almost set and forget with building websites so what happens if a product 'disappears' from CB? And also why would it if it sells well in the first place?

Any info would be much appreciated

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Last edited by michellerana on 04 May 10 6:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: 25 Feb 09
Good question Alex,

Firstly, I don't think this is strictly a set it and forget it business. Recurring income is the goal with minimal work down the road but I don't think you'll ever get to the place where you can just forget it indefinitely.

As to why CB products sometimes disappear, that's a good question and I'm not sure of the answer. There could also be several answers. I'd inquire with CB themselves.

Another reason to keep on top of your site periodically as occasionally you'll have to swap out products or maybe change them up to test different ones.

Perhaps one reason could be that the product owner made so much money they had enough ;O) Also, if you offer an example of a specific product we might be able to give you a better idea.

Hope this helps,

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Hi Jason,

Thanks for your reply.

Actually the product is this mentioned in Vid 1.1 and is still available.


However, the gravity is seriously lower. Its around 700 in vid and now around 200. Has everyone stopped eating all the pies?

Do you think CB can shed any light on the matter out of interest?
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Trends change within a niche, especially in the Health & Fitness niche.

If the methods FatLoss4Idiots use no longer are recognized by consumers, the product will lose popularity. Low calorie or High Protein/fat diet, what is the most trending method. I don't know what methods FatLoss follows, but i know that within the dieting niche things can change pretty quickly, due to research and new science.

I think that Clickbank is a marketplace like any other, in terms of what sells and what doesn't.

I wouldn't buy a new mobile phone if it didn't have touchscreen, obviously:)
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it all comes down to the market. I have seen some niches that change because of variations in the market.
For example, the Blizzard made some changes in World of Warcraft that made about 90% of the guides on CB worthless. When they did this, some adapted to the new game, and some just disapeared. If you really stay in touch with your market, you will know the changes that are going on, and be able to tell if a trend is changing which will affect the products that you promote.
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there is such things as fake gravity boosting which could explain the massive drop from 700 to 200 , where the vendor would have 100s of clickbank account and promote sell his own guides with these new affiliates accounts with his list during the launch. (I don't know exactly how they do it)

They do this to grab affiliate attentions when they release the product to gain momentum.

I don't think any product is safe with 'set and forget' and the market is continously changing and everything is becoming more competitive, if the vendor is not active with keeping in touch with the market. Someone else will come along and take over their top spot by better marketing and better product.
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I agree Fransisco. Too many people fail to stay on top of their market, and wonder why their sites disapear. this is part of why it is recommended to stay in a market that you are passionate about. you will naturally be inclined to stay on top of the latest information, and up to date with the best products available.

there is no real " set it and forget it" business that works long term. people sell this type of marketing to hype up their systems. Why? because it is a dream that people are willing to spend money to have. unfortunately this type of marketing is largely responsible for IM having a bad reputation online.
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