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Clickbank - alternative to payment by check

Posts: 98
Joined: 09 Apr 09

Clickbank - alternative to payment by check

Not quite sure where to post this but feel free to move this if needed.

I was wondering about clickbank. Are there anymore European (Dutch in my case) people here using Clickbank? I assume there are. :) I am a bit "worried" about their payment method. Am I right they only use checks?? The problem is over here, cheques are not common. Last time I needed a check cashed in was 8 or 9 years ago and that one also came from the US. I don't know how much it was exactly but I think it cost me about 1/3 of the total amount on fees for the bank! We (in the Netherlands) just don't use cheques. So, am I not seeing things correctly or what? Why do they still only use cheques?? That doesn't make sense nowadays with things like Paypal. It just doesn't look really "professional" to me. But perhaps that's just me. :)

So I was kind of hoping on some folks with expeience on this matter.
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For a sceptical view on things:
Posts: 82
Joined: 02 May 09

I have a problem to get checks into cash too.
I live in Brazil.

They are professional, but for us this is a huge problem.
I need to pay bank taxes... very high and proove how I got
this money to convert it in cash!!
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Posts: 19
Joined: 22 Apr 09

I have the same issue. I live in Mozambique and clickbank does not have Mozambique in the country field. Is it possible to deal with click bank to add some more countries or attach the service to paypal?

I belieave that if the service were attached to paypal or moneybooker (whatever) it could minimize the question regarding with the arrival of the money.

I trully believe that clickbank sends the money, what what about the address (if does not exist)??
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Posts: 1
Joined: 21 May 09
Dear Xenopus,

I operate my business from Germany and can say that Clickbank payments for years now have been in time and safe.

However, as you told, check payments are very uncommon upon Europe since more than a decade now, as almost everything works paperless concerning financial affairs. As Denmark being a member of the European Union, cashing the checks with your bank should NOT be a problem however, but most of the time, especially for non-EURO checks, cashing fees are extremely expensive (I have been paying bank fees of upon 10 Euros just for cashing USD checks already).

But there are good news. Since about half a year or so, Clickbank also offers direct bank transfer into many bank account and usually members within the EU are invited to this option. Usually This should be totally free and without any fees involved with most European bank institutes (at least in Germany it is).

Go into your clickbank account and look for payment or payout options. As told, unfortunately not all Clickbank acount will be able to activate this feature, there are certain pre-conditions...!
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This topic was started on May 04, 2009 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
