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CB Traffic Warrior - any thoughts?

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CB Traffic Warrior - any thoughts?

Hey all,

I got an e-mail from Anik S recommending the ClickBank Traffic Warrior product that was launched a couple of days ago...as usual, it had all the bells and whistles that lure newbies like me! But, nowhere did the sales page mention what the software actually DID! So i dug around and found a thread on Warrior Forum that said this was nothing more than an Article Submitter (and spinner) software. There were a lot of people suggesting Article Marketing Robot and The Best Spinner in place of the CB Traffic Warrior.

Here are my questions:

1. I am currently re-writing the 20 articles in the AffiloJetpack and will be uploading them to my website soon. Do i need to get into Article Marketing (using such software mentioned above) right away or is it too much too soon for a neophyte like me?

2. Right now, i don't have ANY article spinner + article submitter software. Do i avail myself of this special launch price on CB Traffic Warrior or should i pay the extra price on Article Marketing Robot?? Which of these is better in terms of features, performance, technical support, etc? Also, is AMR a one-time fee or a monthly payment? When i clicked on the Order Button for the CBTW, it mentioned that i will have a recurring monthly fee of $40 or something (not too sure abt the exact amount) in addition to the $37 purchasing fee.

3. If i do need to get into Article Marketing right away, can some of you experienced marketers suggest any products (free or affordable software) that you have personally used and found to be very effective?

Look forward to hearing from you!


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Hey Carol,

I wouldn't bother with this product, I have only briefly checked it out but I am not the biggest fan of Anik S. Focus on implementing what you learn from Mark's products and you will have more than a solid foundation.

As per article marketing, I use the totally free software called article submission helper, it totally rocks and does exactly what you want it to do: speed up the submission of article marketing, check it out here...


The Best Spinner is a piece of software that cannot be replicated with free software, sure they do exist but they do not touch on the power of this amazing product. It's a must have!
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Hi Carol

I have nothing against Anik S and I am on his list, but so far from what I have noticed most of Anik's products are geared towards personal coaching and at the higher end.. some of his recommendations are great but I won't say all of them, so since you have already bought AffiloJetpack I would suggest not to get distracted by all these other offers out there. (I am currently unsuscribing from a lot of lists myself)

Do it one step at a time, wait till you have finished piecing your site together before thinking of whether to use article marketing to promote your site, etc..

If you do need a free spinner by that time, check out 'SpinnerChief', it's free and is able to get most of the job done if you are just starting out. Beware though, if you do a search on spinnerchief you will find that there are some people complaining about malware, but from my experience with it so far I have had no problems with it nor have seen anybody complain about getting their accounts hacked or something. so, all I can say is download it at your own risk, I can only say that I have no problems with it so far

Granted its thesaurus is not as huge as TBS.. but it is a great free alternative if you are able to rewrite sentences yourself and just want to make your life easier. (actually do you know that you can even spin articles yourself by hand in microsoft or notepad lol.. just that its gonna take a much longer longer time... there are a lot of free tools out there to help you 'unspin' them when you are doen)
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Thanks a lot Digiblue and Kakaboo (that almost rhymes :-) )

Yes, i am not too great a fan of Anik, especially after the HUGE build-up to his Empire Formula, only to be let down by that humongous price tag. Am just holding on to 2-3 lists right now, but if they keep blindly promoting products like CBTW, i just might say goodbye to all of them,except Mark.

Thanks a lot for your recommendations. You guys have been of great help. Right now, i am painstakingly re-writing all the 20 articles in my Jetpack and it is taking way longer than i thought. But, i am just hoping it is worth all the effort :-)

Have a great day

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How does the Best Spinner stack up against Rapid Rewriter?
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the biggest difference between the two is that the best spinner is a monthly service, and they have a customer driven database of synonyms, which means you can use synonyms that others have imput into the system. Personally,, I prefer to do my own synonyms anyway, and would rather do a one time fee rather than paying monthly. Also, I am not sure about the best spinner's policies, but one thing I like about RR is the ability to share it with other members of my team. we can all use it, so that we can work on multiple projects at the same time without having to buy a new copy for my writers. not sure if the best spinner allows this or not.
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jmpruitt wrote:the biggest difference between the two is that the best spinner is a monthly service, and they have a customer driven database of synonyms, which means you can use synonyms that others have imput into the system. Personally,, I prefer to do my own synonyms anyway, and would rather do a one time fee rather than paying monthly. Also, I am not sure about the best spinner's policies, but one thing I like about RR is the ability to share it with other members of my team. we can all use it, so that we can work on multiple projects at the same time without having to buy a new copy for my writers. not sure if the best spinner allows this or not.

I think you mean yearly service for The Best Spinner :)
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The best Spinner is THE BEST.
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This topic was started on Dec 02, 2010 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
