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A very new newby. I have a word press site and stucked.

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A very new newby. I have a word press site and stucked.

My site is http://www.healthandfitnessreservoir.com and I do not like how it looks but I do not know how to fix it. I want to use it to promote click bank products through blogging. I do write content as well. I am open to and awaits advice. Also I have another site plrcontentcentre.com that I intend to write plr content and sell as a store. I have these ideas but do not know to implement them. Any help,advice around for this newby. Thank you.


Phillip Thompson.
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Joined: 24 Dec 12
Here are my initial thoughts:

The homepage seems a bit cluttered, I would reduce the amount of content directly exposed to the user. Additionally the image should probably be something that pertains to health and fitness rather than oriental lights.

Additionally have your most recent post on the homepage, with the older posts in an archive of sorts.

Lastly the header should most likely be just the name of your blog: Health and Fitness Reservoir, rather than the URL + a blurb about it.

Try and adopt a minimalistic approach because in the future you will be adding banners to entice people to purchase stuff. Those banners on top of all this content would overwhelm and discourage individuals.
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My feedback:
- I wouldn't use a black background with white foreground (contrast is too big)
- Use images in your posts, it will make it look better
I think this will improve the look & feel!
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Hi Phillip,

You will need to get a good-looking website that will fit your niche.

These are the things I think you need to have for your site:
1. A good header- with a nice graphic and text that will describe what your site is about
2. Navigation- I see you have the top menu already. But I suggest you add more important and keyword-rich menu at the top like putting your main categories for your articles perhaps or the products you want to promote.
3. Sign-up form for your newsletter
4. Content- add more content
5. Photos- good photos should also be needed for your content
6. side bar menu- should be organized and should also have the main keywords you want for your site

I also suggest you review the points discussed in website building at this page here- https://www.affilorama.com/lessons to get an idea on how you can build a good-looking site for your affiliate business.

I hope that helps!

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This topic was started on Dec 24, 2012 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
