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Integrating bank computers with unified VMS

Posts: 52
Joined: 18 Jun 23

Integrating bank computers with unified VMS

What are the ways to integrate bank computers and ATMs with unified VMS?
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Posts: 58
Joined: 10 May 23
Integrating bank computers and ATMs with a unified Video Management System has several benefits. By linking surveillance footage with transaction data, it enables efficient monitoring, fraud detection, and incident investigation. This integration enhances security measures, ensures comprehensive oversight, and enables quicker response to potential threats, making it a valuable tool for banks and ATM networks. You can find more info on how to integrate bank computers and ATMs with VMS here https://www.blog.deskcamera.com/post/banking/ I hope this source will be useful for you.
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Posts: 57
Joined: 10 Oct 23
Upgrading an app without losing firewall rules typically depends on the specifics of the application and firewall you are using. However, the general process involves ensuring that your firewall rules are preserved during the app upgrade. Here are the steps you can follow:

Backup Your Firewall Rules: Before upgrading the app, it's essential to create a backup of your existing firewall rules. This can usually be done through the firewall management interface or by using command-line tools, depending on the firewall software you are using.

Document Your Rules: Take note of your existing firewall rules, https://primeonlinecourses.com including any custom rules you have configured. This documentation is crucial to recreate the rules in case something goes wrong during the upgrade.

Check the App Upgrade Documentation: Review the documentation provided for the app upgrade. Look for any specific instructions regarding preserving firewall rules. Some applications provide guidance on how to ensure rule persistence during the upgrade process.

Test the Upgrade in a Non-Production Environment: If possible, set up a test environment or staging server to perform the app upgrade first. This allows you to test the upgrade process without risking your production environment. Make sure that the firewall rules are retained in the test environment.
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