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You do any CSS?

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Joined: 13 Feb 12

You do any CSS?

File this one under "Better late than never". Just discovered how easy it is to add rounded corners and drop shadows in CSS!

Here's a sample:
Here's a CSS code snippet (as in a separate CSS style sheet or static page header):

Of course the important lines are "box-shadow" and "border-radius".

...and the HTML code snippet:

Of course in WordPress you'd need to go into the editor's "HTML View" and use inline code for the CSS, with "<div style="....">
This isn't a coding forum, so enough said for those who are into CSS.

If anyone wants the details, I could do a little downloadable doc on this (eventually).

_jim coe
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Yep. That's one of the new features in CSS3. Haven't tried it myself yet, but sounds easy.
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Yes, Grady - very easy. And a good boost to that "Professional Look and Feel" for so little effort.

HTML 5 and CSS 3 are gradually being adopted. I note that my MSIE 9 doesn't do the CSS 3 round corners and drop shadow - yet.

_jim coe
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IE's always one of the last to adopt the standards :D

I remember seeing designs at CSS Zen Garden years ago that outright exploited IE's non-compliance to give a different appearing site if you used IE as opposed to a more standards compliant browser (at the time) like Firefox. One in particular was called "In A Box". If you went in IE, you saw someone trapped in a box. But if you looked in Firefox, you saw a beautiful design.
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Ah CSS Zen Garden - many a beautiful CSS design in that garden. Their mission to prove that CSS was capable of beauty was a big success - even those old versions of CSS.

Don't think it's any exaggeration to say that MSIE is every designer's and developer's least favorite browser. Especially if it goes off into quirks mode. Still, sites have to work in all the popular browsers, even the ones that are no fun.

_jim coe
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Box shadow and border radius are not supported by that may browsers. You can increase their usable a little bit by including prefixes such as -moz and -webkit

so box shadow would be:
-moz-box-shadow: 1px 1px 10px #00f;
-webkit-box-shadow: 1px 1px 10px #00f;
box-shadow: 1px 1px 10px #00f;
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Thanks Contact20 - good advice!

I have the latest Chrome and Firefox and they do support it. MSIE 9 does not for me. Have not checked Opera or Safari or others.
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@Contact20: You really know your stuff Tyler!

I just subscribed to your "Couchable" blog. It's awesomely beautiful + elegant. Looks to be packed with a payload of solid info too. Looking forward to couching it and learning stuff.

Those who want to see some pretty pages - check it out!

_jim coe
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This topic was started on May 02, 2012 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
