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Serendipity Spotting

Posts: 259
Joined: 13 Feb 12

Serendipity Spotting

"The occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way: 'a fortunate stroke of serendipity'".

So I've got this website for digital artists and 3D natural scene makers (one of my fav hobbies).

Kind of just for a kick, I put up a page with some of my digital photos of textures (dirt, pavement, tree bark, etc.) and some Photoshop textures I made of "danger stripes" - you know those black and yellow stripes that sci-fi artists seem to love. 3D artists are always hungry for good, realistic, high resolution textures to use as "skins" on their 3D models.

Now, a couple of years later that "free 3D textures" page gets twice the traffic of my home page and 10 times the traffic of most of my other pages. Who'd of guessed? Of course that also means my other pages could be a lot more popular, lol.

Anyway, I did something very right. And without a clue. By accident, I found a low competition sub-sub-niche need and I started to fill that need. But more important - I noticed the new traffic by monitoring my metrics, added more content and organized it better. A happy accident is only useful if you spot it and take action.

You can bet I'll be photographing and adding more textures, creating more in Photoshop, looking at the search terms used to find that page, optimizing and trying AdSense to monetize it.

My 3D scenes galleries - if you're wondering what "3D modeled natural scenes" means:
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Posts: 6369
Joined: 25 Feb 11
Hi jimcoe,

Most people start off with just a hobby, same as you. They put up a site, a blog most of the time, and they fill that with information about their hobby or their interests. Before they know it their site is getting plenty of traffic. And it's really a waste to get all that traffic and then spend on hosting and whatnot, so they start monetizing their sites. And that's it! You're earning doing something you love!

One of the first things we teach is to find a niche that you are interested in or are knowledgeable about. It just makes everything a lot less difficult when you already know something about the niche. It also feels less like a chore or a job of you are researching something you are interested in.

Have a good day!
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Jim, after seeing a few of your posts, I can see why Cecille pointed you out to me :D
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Have questions about creating images? Want an image created for you? Check out my site at
Posts: 259
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Thanks Gradyp - much appreciated.

As far as procrastination goes, I'd make a great procrastinator - if I could ever get around to it.

Nice market niche! Who doesn't need help actually getting stuff done?
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This topic was started on Mar 28, 2012 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
