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Please Help Me With The Content On My Site

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Joined: 04 Sep 13

Please Help Me With The Content On My Site

Hey Everybody
I have started affiliate marketing this month and published article but i am not sure about my content..

I just want to know if the content I have posted is suitable for affiliate marketing ?

My post :

Wishing you will Help me and also please suggest me what type content i should write as well as for my trusted reader and also to increase sales

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endy daniyanto
Posts: 119
Joined: 02 Jun 12
Here is my short evaluation:

1. There are still grammar issues.

You have unnecessary capitalization for keywords, such as "Hair Fall". You are also missing punctuation, such as "... about Smartness.If you really ..."

Your overall English is obviously written not by a native writer, which might make some of your visitors not trust your site (assuming you are targeting English speaking countries).

2. It reads like a medical brochure

From a conversion standpoint, you want to inject more human emotion into the article. What you have now is merely a list of facts, and your visitors can get that from Wikipedia or a similar authority site like WebMD.

Use a different point of view, and offer something of value to your visitors in the form of information they can act upon and can't be found anywhere else (or at least not said in the way you say it).

Hope this helps.

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Songwriter. Affiliate marketer. Casual gamer.
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Hi ondesk007,

Endy gave some excellent feedback. Those are my observations as well so I don't have anything further to add.

If you're having difficulty with writing your content, then I suggest getting a professional to re-write it for you. Or you can get someone to write new content for you altogether. Mark suggests iWriter.

I suggest you do proper keyword research and build a list of keywords to target. Once you have a list, you can then write articles based on one of those keywords as well as your niche. While it's important that you have quality article that converts, it's equally important you're targeting the right keywords and the right market.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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I am really Happy to Get exclusive Suggestions.

Thanks Endy and Cecille Both of you for your support

Have a Good Day !
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Posts: 210
Joined: 16 Oct 09
Yeah the grammar issues will hurt your sales, you could outsource the writing but if you want to create your own content just find a book or find some free courses or vids and sharpen up your skillz.

Personally I think you should get better and write it yourself, you don't have to write all the content, It's a skill you will use for almost everything, articles, e-mails, ads, video scripts, if your going to communicate online in English might as well get good at it.

I'm a native English speaker and even I have to grab my little pocket grammar book every so often, I'm learning web development (HTML/PHP etc.) and to me I think it's easier than English lol.

Good luck!
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