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Need input on an Article Spinning Software Im working on

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Joined: 15 Jul 09

Need input on an Article Spinning Software Im working on

Hey guys, I'm working on some article spinning software. Nothing too fancy, just trying to take out as much of the pain as possible that's associated with spinning, and I'd like some input. Would you be interested in spinning software? If yes, what kind of features would you like it to have? I'm considering two different layouts. Would you like something similar to or completely different from the built-in AMA spinner?
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Last edited by michellerana on 23 Nov 09 4:01 am, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: changed title to describe the post better

Posts: 869
Joined: 14 Mar 08
Hi Gin,
There is already a few applications out there for article spinning.
But another wouldn't hurt I suppose.
An auto spell check that ignored the {}[] and | would be good.
also, It would be good to have the {}[] and | as a clickable button.
Instead of using the keyboard all the time.

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they were the big things.

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Posts: 67
Joined: 07 Oct 09
Hey Gin,

To get some good Ideas I Recommend have a look at Magic Article Rewriter I think it’s the best spinning software ATM. You really need to have a MASSIVE synonymous list, most of the spinning software has a weak synonymous list. It would be cool to even be able to import a Synonymous list let´s say in xml format.

When you want to rewrite an entire sentence you should only need to highlight it and double click not like most software that you need to press F1 or so. Then you should be taken into an interface where you can start to rewrite your sentence. Here for example Magic article rewriter lacks a function that you can´t look up the synonymous list when you are in sentence rewrite mode. You could have it like in word that in sentence mode you just go and right click a word for instance to get a up a synonym.

Another feature I would like to have is the ability to change Syntax either custom syntax or Switch between Standard syntax ala UAW and AMA. Dunno why AMA have to use that “~” as a break when other services uses “|”.

Just my 2 Cent.
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Best thing ever since sliced bread! Seriously this spinner is 20 Years ahead of TheBestSpinner. Get a Massive 70% Launch Discount ->
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Thanks for the input guys.

I'll be making the {}[]| automatic, so you won't even need a button to insert them. Spell check is on the to-do list.

I checked out MAR, and there are a couple features I'm borrowing from it, but I still haven't settled on a layout yet. Do you know of a place where I can get a synonyms list for free or cheap? Right now, I'm using an online thesaurus to get synonyms which is not what I want to do.

Keep the ideas coming!
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Posts: 28
Joined: 31 Oct 09
theres a lot of re writers out there at the moment. One I like to fire up sometimes is PAR (power article rewriter). You mentioned that you will be making the syntax {|} automatic. PAR does it automatically already so you might like to take a look at it ginaandtonic. Another one I've used that relies heavily on synonyms is magic article rewriter and I found it useless. Its states that it can make a 1000 or articles or so from one article but the 999 you get back are absolute crap.

For Sir Matts,

I can understand your problem, most rewriters do use the {|} syntax. I have yet to submit to AMA but if you want to change all your | to ~ then heres a simple tip.

Copy and paste your article into notepad and simply click edit, then click replace. Where it say "find what:" just put in the pipe symbol '|' and where it says "replace with" just put in the tilda symbol '~'. Then click replace all.

Job done!
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Posts: 35
Joined: 24 Jun 09
You can try jetspinner, they give you an account to try it out free for 30 days,why not check it out ...just google jetspinner
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Posts: 3
Joined: 02 Dec 09
ginandtonic wrote:Thanks for the input guys.

I'll be making the {}[]| automatic, so you won't even need a button to insert them. Spell check is on the to-do list.

I checked out MAR, and there are a couple features I'm borrowing from it, but I still haven't settled on a layout yet. Do you know of a place where I can get a synonyms list for free or cheap? Right now, I'm using an online thesaurus to get synonyms which is not what I want to do.

Keep the ideas coming!

No doubt Magic Article Rewriter is the best now...but the only difference is the Magic Tokens.

You see the problem with synonyms is that they can't be replaced directly. Trying to replace word-for-word in the same sentence often makes no sense..

So this is where ALL Article Rewriters fail in my opinion.... The only SOLUTION is customizing users' own MAGIC TOKENs or thesaurus dictionary....

This would create a almost perfect instant article rewriter IMO.

Maybe you can look into perfecting this Magic Token feature...
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This topic was started on Nov 20, 2009 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
