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Hiring University Students

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Joined: 03 Jan 11

Hiring University Students


I either heard or read a comment from Mark Ling saying that he prefers to use university students to do his article creation and I thought the logic made a great deal of sense. My question is, here in Australia, how would you go about recruiting uni students for this kind of task?

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Last edited by skaye on 17 Jan 11 2:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 197
Joined: 07 Oct 10
Hi Skaye,

I honestly don't know how it works locally in Australia, but generally, it's preferred if you have some personal contacts who can refer university students to you....preferably creative writing or journalism majors.....if you're young, maybe you have some friends who you can hire, or if you're a bit older, maybe your brother or sister or maybe your son or even your neighbor has friends you can hire....if you don't have these kind of contacts, then you would have to post an ad, in a local or community newsletter, but you'd probably have to pay more....
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Posts: 21
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If you're going for students then I'd also suggest looking for MBAs. Those guys are taught business and they pay close attention to promotions as they can apply what they learn to their papers. Look for MBAs as well because they can cover the promotion, sales and keeping the customer hooked part better than others.
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I went another route. I found one who was studying what I wanted written about. Being in the relationships niche, I found a student who was studying to be a marriage therapist. he is able to incorporate what he is learning through his own studies to write articles for my relationships sites. .
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I haven't found this to work at all. University students are so busy and many of them hate writing because they do it so much for school.
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Posts: 6369
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I'm sorry to hear it did not work for you SethCzerepak.

The key here is to have contacts who can introduce you to uni students who are looking for part-time work. It's best if you can hire a student in the communication arts, creative writing or advertising/marketing field. This is mutually beneficial. You get to have someone do the writing for you and the student gets to earn and improve his writing.
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