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Elance - evaluating bids on my project

Posts: 55
Joined: 02 May 09

Elance - evaluating bids on my project

Hi everyone,

I have put out a new project for bidding and have had some bids now which lead to the following question.

One of the writers who does look like a candidate based on the criteria which are mentioned in the lessons, has attached three samples of articles related to my niche. I googled some sentences and found out that the text comes from an affiliate website promoting the exact product which I am about to promote.

So how do I handle that. It can be plagiarism but it can also be just an example of what they have done. They wrote me back with a direct approach to my question and topic and say they have a great deal of experience with this niche and have done reviews, articles and blogs.

Of course I will not use that sample but when I read the lessons it does say to watch out for plagiarism. I can also interview them and put forward that I have seen the samples and know what they are used on and that I like their approach – which I do regarding the way they write – but would only hire them when they can write a new set of articles to avoid my website becoming just another version of a website which is already there even though my set up of my website will be different than the one I saw.

Suggestions are welcome.

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Posts: 8
Joined: 02 May 09
Hi Rob

I think that is just an example for you to see what he can.

Just ask the person (say that you found the article he send for an excample) if it is wright that it is just an sample article he allready made to show you. So the wrighter know that you really controll about plagiarize.
I am sure the writer don't send you a plagiarize after that.

KR Fabian
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I am a writer at Elance. I will tell you from my own personal experience and in my opinion, any samples I send, I have written. I am very cautious when it comes to other writers work. I do not want anyone to use mine so I check to make sure mine is unique.
If a writer does not take the time to do the same, be cautious at best.

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Posts: 55
Joined: 02 May 09
Hi Fabian and Katmet.

Thank you for the replies. It is useful and confirms what my feeling tells me, so I can move on now.

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This topic was started on Jun 12, 2009 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
