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Cant find vendor on Clickbank

Posts: 6
Joined: 29 Jul 10

Cant find vendor on Clickbank

I have trouble trying to get a good hoplinks on 2 of affilorama jet pack vendors I haved tried different wording on my search with no success the ones that I have had problems with Brillant Yoga & The Trimmer Method, gone the websites of the vendor to try and see what I was doing wrong and got a affiliate link from there site then went back to Clickbank and tested the URL and was told it wasnt any good
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Posts: 1895
Joined: 01 Jun 09
Hi Lenn1944,

You do not really have to go to clickbank to get your affiliate link for clickbank products as long as you already have your clickbank id. You just need to replace "enterid" in the affiliate link we provided with your own clickbank id.
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Posts: 197
Joined: 07 Oct 10
Hi Lenn,

I was able to find Brilliant Yoga and the trimmer method on the clickbank marketplace. Both are valid products that offer very good commission for affiliates. Anyway, as Fara said, you don't even have to go to clickbank to promote these products as long as you already have your clickbank ID. You can just edit the affiliate link provided on your newsletter by changing "enterid" with your clickbank ID.
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Posts: 4
Joined: 15 Mar 10
I can't find "The Trimmer Method" on Clickbank Marketplace too. Just want to check on the stats.

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This topic was started on Oct 18, 2010 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.