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Am I Allowed To Use A Pen Name On My Web Site?

Posts: 112
Joined: 28 Sep 12

Am I Allowed To Use A Pen Name On My Web Site?

Am I allowed to use a pen name on my Web site?

Many thanks,
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Yes. Google Authorship is no longer "a thing" so you can call yourself whatever you want to and you won't be penalized for it.
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Posts: 361
Joined: 10 May 11
I believe I've asked this question before. I've learned that you can use pen names. In fact, a lot of people do. Even Mark Ling does on some of his websites. It's especially a good idea if you're planning on being in many different niches as people might find it hard to believe that you are an expert on so many different topics.

If you plan on having a picture of yourself on an "about me" page or on the side of your blog, you can also use a fake picture instead of your real picture. A lot of people don't seem to bother with adding a picture, but I think it could help. It at least gives them a face so they can see who's articles they're reading.
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Posts: 275
Joined: 11 Aug 14
kurt wrote:you can also use a fake picture instead of your real picture.

I don't think using a fake picture is cool. You only either use a photo/picture of you (arguably you can "distort" it), or don't use a picture at all.

But using pen names is definitely okay. In some cases, it's a must.
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This topic was started on Apr 05, 2015 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
