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What is your opinion of my site? Site Critique

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Joined: 19 May 09

What is your opinion of my site? Site Critique

Can someone have a look at mine and let me know what you think? -I'm still green on internet marketing but looking to improve. -Looking to review products from clickbank, amazon, and or ebay.

What do you suggest I do to improve the look and feel of my site?

all suggestions are welcome...

Thank you.
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Hi Loo,
Actually not a bad start.
Your top logo or banner needs work but you said that in your post on the site, so all in due time I guess.
Make sure you are very relevant with the keywords you are targeting.
Once people get there, I would like to see a strong call to action on the site.
In other words, what do you want me to do when I get there.
However, This type of site looks more like a informational site.
The affiliate blocks you have are basically interruption marketing and are not really targeted to the keyword they search for but this is another way of monetizing your site for sure.
You will need a lot of traffic to get click throughs on your ads.

Hope that helps.
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Hi Loo,

I think the site looks nice and interesting. In regards to affiliate marketing, I think it lacks focus and like Troy said, the ads are "interruption marketing" (nice term).

The site does look like an informative Blog, so to really concentrate on affiliate products, you would have to focus it considerably. Maybe have other sites with keyword dense domain names that are well SEOd for a specific keyword, and then link them to your main Blog.

Markus :-)
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Thank you so much guys. I really appreciate your input on this subject. Both of you are right, I do have interruption marketing and @Troy -also need a strong call for action. @Markus, -I like your idea about keyword dense site linked to my main site. (kind of like article marketing)

@Troy, thnx for the main banner recommendation, I will work that out.

The idea behind my site is to give out as much information as possible to musicians interested on becoming independent. Offer clickbank, amazon and ebay reviews and products as tools. But I guess I'm mixing everything together.

Do you recommend I concentrate on one product at a time?

And to fix up the “interruption marketing” what do you recommend?

-My solution is to minimize the marketing blocks to 1 block on the main page, and perhaps increase, adsence, chikita, or linkshare inside the posts to a maximum of 1-2 ads.

Should I invest time on a “Google Search” bar instead of my blog “Search Bar”?

Best regards,
All suggestions are welcome...
-Luis ;)
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There is nothing wrong with what you are doing, It is just another way of monetizing your blog.
In the Affiloblueprint Mark focuses on a very specific Niche and optimizes the site for keywords relating to the niche.
It all depends on how you want to monetize your blog.
Test it and see, you will learn from this, even if it fails at first.. you can just tweak things or change things around.


"Failure is the opportunity to begin again, more intelligently."
Henry Ford
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Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize
they were the big things.

-- Robert Brault

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