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Which is better non-www or www?

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Joined: 30 Jul 20

Which is better non-www or www?

What's the difference between the two and what is best for SEO?
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Posts: 9
Joined: 30 Jul 20
If you have a large website or plan your website to expand, a www domain should be chosen. It does not add too much meaning to the name and has certain technological benefits that are inherent.

Using the www domain is pointless if you have a small website. So, whether you want to go for a www domain or a non-www domain is your personal preference. No matter which one you chose, it would make virtually no difference whatsoever.
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If you don’t use WWW, you get a prettier and shorter domain. Shorter domains have been associated with higher rankings, but that could only be a correlation.
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There is no difference for user point of view.Its upto personal preference
to choose one over another.
WWW is just a subdomain
Non WWW refers as naked domain do not have technical advantages.
Cleaner way is to write it without www as it is shorter URL
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Shorter url tends to rank higher in search engine but that just a small impact in search rankings factor & not a big push.
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WWW websites are convenient for searchers to type the domain with www because all websites began with www at one point. It also allows you to set cookies for your specific www subdomain.
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Non-www domains are easy to remember and simpler to type and search for, which is great for getting direct traffic. This is the clearest, strongest benefit. Most people search for websites without typing the www, so eventually, the www domains might phase out, and non-www might be more prominent.
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leasheeqajjar wrote:If you don’t use WWW, you get a prettier and shorter domain. Shorter domains have been associated with higher rankings, but that could only be a correlation.

Totally agree. The shorter and the prettier then more people's attention will be drawn
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There are no SEO advantages of preferring one over the other. Even Google has stated that it is entirely dependent on personal choice.

What's vital is that you stick with the one you wanted when you first started your website.
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The short answer to the www vs non-www question is that there is no major difference, but there are small benefits. However, if you deep dive a bit, you will realize that www domains have some slight technical benefits that improve a website's performance
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Posts: 62
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The short answer to the www vs non-www question is that there is no major difference, but there are small benefits. However, if you deep dive a bit, you will realize that www domains have some slight technical benefits that improve a website's performance
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There is no major difference between using www vs non-www, but if you are asking from an SEO point of view then you can visit AppCode Technologies. They are the best SEO services provider company. They have a team of SEO experts who help you to understand it better. Visit:
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www or without www both URLs will be treated similarly in Google, the only thing you have to take care of is that at a time you choose one URL structure either with or without WWW. It is called a canonical URL issue.
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www domains are better because they are already prefixed to your sites.
The main difference between non-www or www is that non-www is a naked domain, or www domains have several subdomains attached to them.
Www is the best domain for SEO.
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If you have the choice, I would recommend picking up non-www only for the prettier domain.
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