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What is the best website to build?

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What is the best website to build?

Hey everyone i am new to all this and want to ask what theme is best to market ...Cars?Software?cooking? i want to creat a website that many people are interested in ...and that i will get good traffic PLZ HELP
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Posts: 194
Joined: 01 Jan 10
The best website for someone as yourself, just starting in affiliate marketing is a subject that you have an interest in learning more about. Building a website and writing articles requires a great deal of time. If you choose a subject that you do not have an interest in you are likely to quit before you have completed the project. Building a website can be accomplished in as little as a few days. However, maintaining and creating back links to that site is a never ending job. It is important that you have a subject that YOU are interested in.

After the initial decision is made regarding a general subject matter you will need to determine product availability. If you find there are products available, then you can continue your research into KEYWORD analysis. Your product search may go through "CLICKBANK" or any of the other affiliate directory sites. You need to determine whether there is enough demand for the product or service.

Your next decisions are wrapped around the KEYWORDS you choose to use in the articles you publish to your website. These keywords should be urgency buyer keywords. Once again, the number of people searching for your keyword choice is important. You don't want to spend numerous hours working on articles and back links for a keyword that has no one searching for it.

As you can see, building and maintaining a website is very time consuming. As your business builds you should farm out some of this work for others to complete. But initially it will be left up to you unless you have sufficient capital today to allow you to farm out work to others. For this reason you need a subject you will enjoy researching.

This information on website building and acquiring back links is easily obtainable here through Affilorama. The Affilorama Blueprint and Affilorama Jetpack programs are ideal step-by-step instructions that will lead you to a completed site.

It is alot of work. It is enjoyable. Get started today. If you have questions or problems there are people on this site to help.
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Newstart is 100% spot on.
Choose a topic that you love or at least like or have an interest in.
Then once you gain the experience of building your first site and getting it to make a little bit of money, you can move on to another and outsource some of it. This is good if you do not have an interest in your chosen niche but it is a profitable you want to go into it to make money even though it may bore you to death.

Newstart, May I add that, I add articles to sites that may not have a lot of searches every month to bulk up the site and make the site seem highly relevant to the search engines.
Having said this, I always do as you suggested and make sure that I first use 'urgency buyer keywords' then look for other keywords and phrases to help the site rank and to provide linkbacks to the more important pages and money pages.
Check out this thread...
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Thx guys for the help ....and i would like to get that blueprint or jetpack but i am not working and come from SA and here $400 is ALOT of money ey .... what program should i use to see if the product i wanna promote is been search for i hear that traffic travis is quite good .And also wanted to know how long is normal to start seeing at least one sale
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That is not a question that can really be answered as the variable is you. Affiliate marketing requires a huge time investment to produce success. How much time are you going to invest each day, week, month? The answer to that question will determine the speed at which you will see your first sale.

Personally, the earliest I have attained my first sale from a website has been four (4) weeks. As a school administrator working full-time I am able to only work on my websites in the evenings. Also, a first sale is not an indicator of regular multiple sales. The site that had the first sale in four weeks didn't have a second sale until about the 7th month.

Back links and google's ranking creates traffic which will translate into sales. The back links often take time before they are recognized by the search engines. Affiliate marketing requires working on faith knowing that what you are doing will produce results. Eventually you will see the desired results. The time it takes is also determined by the competiveness of the chosen niche and related keywords.

It is easy to get discouraged. Discouragement only slows down your work regimne delaying or stopping success. This is where Affilorama is of high importance. Affilorama provides the training data allowing you to know the work required for success. The question then, is how much time can you devote to the required work?
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yep there are tons of factors that will determine your first sale. I have had one site that made a sale within 4 days of going online, but didn't make another sale for about 3 months. I have had other sites that were making consistent sales within a few weeks, so it really depends on a lot.

With your first few sites, you will probably make mistakes. (We all do, so don't worry about it when it happens.) These mistakes will probably limit the success that you have early on. But, as you learn and your sites improve, it gets a little easier.

When it comes to choosing a niche, I would recommend looking at what you are interested in first, then look around amazon, Clickbank, and other affiliate networks to see if there are products being sold on your chosen topic.

You need to pick a niche that you will be passionate about working in. (there are different levels of passion, but a good solid interest that will sustain you for months will help you keep going in the early days..) One thing I often ask clients when choosing their first niche is " If you never make a dime from it, will it still be worth your time and effort?"

If the answer is no, choose a different niche.

Although you are trying to make money from your site, it can take a long time to see those results. If you are interested enough in a niche to do it even if it doesn't make you money, you will keep with it for a long time,and you will be more likely to do the work that it takes to make money. ( One of my favorite sites to play with has made me $10 in 2 years, but I love the niche, and I am in it for the fun and engagement, not for the money....)
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Do you want to use your online content to Educate others, inspire them to action, and run a profitable business for yourself and your family? I can help you get started
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First, “do what you love” rarely creates money fast because more than likely, not only are YOU doing what you love but thousands of others love doing the same thing too

For “do what you love” to work, you need two things:
1. Your love must solve a need and
2. You must be exceptional at it.
You need a passion for something greater. It is different for everybody, but when you find it, you will do anything for it.
Reposition your goals and visions to transform your daily life into passionate action toward that specified destination.

ie Why do want to build a website- To make money- will not work
Why do want to build a website- To travel when and where I choose- will work

Make 1 million people achieve any of the following:
1. Make them feel better.
2. Help them solve a problem.
3. Educate them.
4. Make them look better (health, nutrition, clothing, makeup).
5. Give them security (housing, safety, health).
6. Raise a positive emotion (love, happiness, laughter, self-confidence).
7. Satisfy appetites, from basic (food) to the risqué (sexual).
8. Make things easier.
9. Enhance their dreams and give hope.
. . . and I guarantee, you will be worth millions.
So the next time you’re trolling the Web looking to make money, sit back and ask yourself,
“What do I have to offer the world?” Offer the world value, and money becomes magnetized to you!

Find a niche that satisfies these conditions and you are on your way
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Hi all,
I am new to Afilorama. I am broke and i am looking for a way to start making money without any money down. Can i start this from Affilorama?
If so then I need some serious guidance. I have 20 hours + free per week and am a hard worker.
My passions are showing people how to:
1. Discover and develop their talents and unique gift and specialize in it to generate wealth.
2. Discover their purpose and maximize their vision in life to create relevant solutions.
3. Make life choices (education, career, relationships, etc.) according to their purpose, unique gifts, talents, personalities and passion.
4. Using technology to create efficient solutions that will produce more results with less work, time and resources, e.g. internet business.
5. Financial education that leads to financial freedom and generosity.

I have been doing most of these locally for free or with minimal pay.
I am a computer network technician by profession but am desperate to move from employee to business owner.

Thanking you in advance.
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Kevin Sandy
Kevin Sandy
Tel: 868-299-7723
Email: [email protected]

Efficient living, start working smart; achieve more by doing less
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Hi Kevin,

Affilorama can definitely show you how to earn online. Have you looked at the lessons we have on SEO and affiliate marketing? Do you want to earn online as an affiliate marketer, promoting various products, or do you want to offer your services to others? There are plenty of ways you can earn online. You strike me as a talented individual, with a lot of varied interests. If you are keen to start with affiliate marketing, then go through the lessons we have, choose a niche and get rolling. We have the Affilorama Services section where you can advertise your services. Please view the guidelines before posting.
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Building affiliate marketing websites is a breeze:
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There are many factors to consider on making a website, or what is it all about, or in what niche you are in. Some factors are the demand of such a website, your personal preference as well as how helpful or beneficial that site may be.

Perhaps this might be of great help. Click Here!
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Posts: 64
Joined: 17 Aug 11
Hello there!

Regarding on your question, you can build a website with a topic that interests you the most and at the same time, a topic that you think other people will be interested in. But if you will put all your desired idea (cooking, software, cars) in one website, you need to categorize them and make sure every product is in the right category so that people with different needs will see them, for example you are selling a Toyota 4Runner 2011 model or a Vintage one, it should be placed on the Car Category or if your selling a Beat Maker Software, put it in your Music Store Category, or your selling a Mobile, make sure it is on your Gadgets Category. Make sure all your products are on the correct category to avoid misleading your visitors and losing potential buyers because your website is unorganized.

That’s just my idea, I hope it helps you.
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The first step in the acquisition of wisdom is silence, the second listening, the third memory, the fourth practice, the fifth teaching others.
Posts: 82
Joined: 27 Feb 11
thereaper994 wrote:Hey everyone i am new to all this and want to ask what theme is best to market ...Cars?Software?cooking? i want to creat a website that many people are interested in ...and that i will get good traffic PLZ HELP

I would suggest coupons, groupon like type sites. Everybody like a bargain ... but in this days, due to economy, everybody needs a bargain.
  • 0 - Turnkey Affiliate Moneymaking Business - Coupon Site Script in Action

This topic was started on Aug 01, 2011 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
