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Uploading Website

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Joined: 26 Sep 07

Uploading Website

I just uploaded my new website and I looked at what I think was a the site. The pictures did not show up and the text was not the same as on my initial set up. Can you tell me what I need to do or will the website not show like I designed it until it has completed been uploaded on the internte?


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You've probably forgotten to upload the images.

As for the text, were you using CSS? If you used an external style sheet, upload that as well.
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What Sean said.

Another thing: If you uploaded the site and then looked at it on another computer (and the text looked different) then you might have been using a font in your page that is installed on YOUR computer, but not the OTHER computer. You have to use "system fonts" when creating your site. These are fonts that pretty much everyone has on their computer. If you use anything else.... most people aren't going to be able to see it, so you have to turn it into an image.

Let us know if you still can't get it to work,
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I am still having problems with my simple web page. It is not coming up when I put the address in. The only thing that comes up is an index page. I used dreamweaver but I have not purchased it ....I am still on a free trial. Does this have anything to do with my problem. I am using the same computer that I made the website and the font that I used was Times Roman. I am frustrated!!!! Please Help!


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Unless you tell us what you've done, we can't really help you.

Have you waited for the nameservers etc to change over? Have you changed the nameservers over?
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It is going to be a problem with the way you've uploaded the site, the folder you've uploaded the site into (did you put it in public_html, httpdocs, or some other folder? There will probably be a "web documents" folder called one of these things).

Or like Sean said, you haven't got the nameservers set. If you bought your domain name from a different company as you bought your hosting from, you'll need to set the nameservers.

And the old favourite: Have you uploaded a file called index.html?

If you still can't figure it out, you should contact your hosting provider. The only way we can sort it out is if you gave us access to all your stuff, and that's probably not a smart idea :)

Good luck
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Limited time special - Pathway to Passive for $37:
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my cpanel gives me the option of uploading webpages using web disk or ftp. is one better/easier than the other?

i have had terrible problems in the past uploading web pages using ftp.
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