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Need help with creation of a "Thank You" page

Posts: 9
Joined: 31 Jul 06

Need help with creation of a "Thank You" page


I need a bit of help here.

I am trying to add a thankyou page to my main domain.

ie "" etc

I am using xsite pro at the moment and i have found some people suggesting that i create a new website as the thankyou page and then upload it to my public_html directory on my server.

Now where i am gettin stuck on this. is where do i access my server folder? to be able to add the thankyou page to the public_html directory?

Do i access my server folder where my website is being hosted? if that is the case i am going through the affilorama hosting service. Where do i access this folder ?

What i am trying to do is make a thankyou page. I have made it but i am unsure of how to go about publishing it through xsite pro.

I have my main domain ""

but i would like to add ""

Any other suggestions other then what i have found??


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Last edited by sydney on 03 Jun 10 4:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: samle links

Posts: 36
Joined: 25 Jun 06
Hi Tibor,

What is your thank you page for? An opt-in form or a downloadable product such as something you're selling on ClickBank? The reason I ask is because you'll want to make it harder to guess if it's for a product you're selling. It doesn't really matter for a opt-in thank you page.

I may not be understanding your question correctly, but all you really need to do is create an html page that is your thank you page such as thank-you.html or whatever you like. You can just put it in your public_html folder or create a sub folder called "thank_you."

So it would be: where the actual path is:


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Posts: 9
Joined: 31 Jul 06

Thanks for that, i understand what the theory is behind it.

What i am getting stuck on is where do i add this page? how do i access the directory folder, where do i access the directory folder??

I am confused about this step and how to go about it.

I understand you just make another page etc. But do i add the changes to my hosting service?

It would be helpfull if anyone who is using xsite pro here could help me to figure this one out. I have everything else set up. And i can start collecting names for my list, but what i would like to do is send someone to a thankyou page and try and sell them on a product.

I cant do this while i cant get the page to work.

Where do i access the public_html folder??


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Posts: 36
Joined: 25 Jun 06
Hi Tibor,

If all you need to do is create a folder and navigate around your hosting account, then that's a function of your Web host interface. If you have cPanel you can do it from there. You can also do it from within an ftp client program such as CuteFtp or FileZilla.

I'm not familiar with XsitePro, but if it has an ftp tool you can probably use that as well. Sorry I can't be of more help.

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