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understanding unnatural links

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understanding unnatural links


I understand that Google is deindexing sites because of unnatural links . Not only this , but I understand that they are also blacklising the domain itself so it never gets indexed again.

I am very concerned about this.so far I have been using a tool which automatically creates links to :

Link directories ( up to 900 a month )
RSS diretories ( up to 80 )
Classified Ad Boards ( 640 )
Social Publishing ( 400 )
Social Bookmarking ( 100 )

So far my sites do not seem to have been affected , but I have some very good keyword domains and want at all costs not to jeopordize their future on the internet . Is this kind of automation seen as negative by Google ( referring to the tool )... and would it be better to put a lower quantity of submissions than a higher.

Also , is it better to create a lower quantity of links per month , than a higher ... even if all the links are good links ?

Importantly , how exactly do I know that my site has been deindexed and where does Google send you this warning message ? How do I know if I am doing the wrong thing or not ?

Thanks a lot . I am a newbie ... I don't even know how to create a link manually yet. I am very interested in how to link correctly... can you refer me to any tutorials or tools ?

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Hi Chantelle,
My answer to your questions are in blue.
Keep in mind others may have a different point of view.
Chants wrote:hi

I understand that Google is deindexing sites because of unnatural links . Not only this , but I understand that they are also blacklising the domain itself so it never gets indexed again.

I am very concerned about this.so far I have been using a tool which automatically creates links to :

Link directories ( up to 900 a month )
RSS diretories ( up to 80 )
Classified Ad Boards ( 640 )
Social Publishing ( 400 )
Social Bookmarking ( 100 )

So far my sites do not seem to have been affected ,but I have some very good keyword domains and want at all costs not to jeopordize their future on the internet . Is this kind of automation seen as negative by Google ( referring to the tool )... and would it be better to put a lower quantity of submissions than a higher.

First of all I would stop using this tool.
My reason for this is the statistics you posted are not going to look natural to Google if your site traffic is low, yet you are miraculously getting all these backlinks and fast.
You want your backlinks and social media building to look as natural to Google as you possibly can. there is a very good blog post by Daniel Turner of IMAlliance here... http://www.theimalliance.com/what-direc ... gle-taking

Also , is it better to create a lower quantity of links per month , than a higher ... even if all the links are good links ?

I think you should read some more on this subject by reading forum posts here and on the net that are specifically talking about link building and what numbers people are having good success with, as some marketers will have varied results and opinions..sorry if that is vague.

Importantly , how exactly do I know that my site has been deindexed and where does Google send you this warning message ? How do I know if I am doing the wrong thing or not ?

You can see if your site has been deindexed by typing into Google search- site:yourdomainname.com
Google will get your email address from the sites contact us details ar hosting account who is. Hope that helps.

Thanks a lot . I am a newbie ... I don't even know how to create a link manually yet. I am very interested in how to link correctly... can you refer me to any tutorials or tools ?

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Thanks a lot. Just want to know whether it would be ok to use the tool in a more limited way... ie with more caution?

Am interested in any other comments in this regard
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Hi again

Also like to know how you know that Google is actually warns you that you are infringing their policy... where do they send the message ?

Thanks Chantelle
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Chants wrote:Hi again

Also like to know how you know that Google is actually warns you that you are infringing their policy... where do they send the message ?

Thanks Chantelle

you can find that by adding your site to Google Webmaster Tools, and they provide a lot of tools to see how your site is performing in their eyes including linking, traffic metrics, and it now integrates with Google analytics to show rankings and traffic from search.

you can also find a lot of data on errors Google finds when crawling your pages and broken links that could harm your rankings.

When it comes to natural linking, one of the things I look at is the ratio to links vs visitors. If google sees your site getting hundreds of links and few visitors, its pretty easy to tell that you are getting unnatural links.

Instead, ballance your link building with how many people are coming to your website. If yo uhave 10 visitors per day to your site, you can get away with building 20-30 links per day. if you are getting 100 visitors per day, you can probably get away with more and still look natural.

Personally, I try to keep a ratio of 2-5 links per unique visitor to my site.

this is why some people can kick off a new site and get thousands of links quickly without getting penalized. If they are a well known celebrity or authority figure in their niche, they can drive a lot of natural traffic quickly, and their linking will look natural.
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great ... thanks a lot.

Just another query - is any kind of automation dangerous ... even for example using the tool I mentioned in a limited way according to the link/visitor guideline you mentioned ?

Can you suggest any good tutorials about natural link building which also actually tells you how to build links ( since I dont even know how to do this ! ) Does Affilorama offer anything in this respect ... even a good paid option?

Thanks again

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Hi Chantelle,
I found a couple of forum posts for you that you might find interesting.

https://www.affilorama.com/search-engine ... ks-for-seo

https://www.affilorama.com/search-engine ... find-links

This is just my opinion but most of those tools are nothing but trouble.
Mainly because you do not know where the links are coming from or what they are doing to get links.
How would you feel if Google deindexed your site because it was associated with 100 porn sites or just recently Link farms... not saying that would happen but it just makes me feel a little uneasy using tools like this.
If you are going to use it, then use it sparingly.
I understand you want to make money, but in my opinion a consistant and steady pace is safer than getting fast and furious links from who knows where and you wake up one day and your site is on page 24 of Google and you think...hmmm what the?

Things are changing fast with Google at the moment as they keep updating thier algorithms and are focusing in on social media and branding and are looking for authority sites, but search Google for any good recent courses on link building.
Maybe some other members have some good recommendations for you as well.

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Thanks a lot ... great quote !
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jmpruitt wrote: If yo uhave 10 visitors per day to your site, you can get away with building 20-30 links per day. .

Hmm, that seems like a high ratio to me James?
That would mean that each visitor is going out and placing 2 or 3 links on the web. 1 to 1 is more realistic isn't it ? not dissagreeing with you, just thinking if I have to make some changes.
I suppose as site visitors go above 100 then you can expand a bit.
But hey if you are having success with it then cool.
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Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize
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I am a very green newbie regarding links and welcome any seasoned input

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Hi again

Just wondering ... would the Affilorama Premium Trusted Site Tool be useful in a natural link building strategy ?

If anyone can briefly ( ! ) explain to me how natural link building works , I would be grateful


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Just wondering ... would the Affilorama Premium Trusted Site Tool be useful in a natural link building strategy ?

Yes. The tool searches for .gov and .edu where you can participate in through comments. These will provide you with backlinks from trusted sites.

If anyone can briefly ( ! ) explain to me how natural link building works , I would be grateful

Natural backlinking would mean building backlinks over time through various methods. This is a slow process mainly because you can't automate it. Below are some articles from the Affilorama Blog that can help:

SEO Experts Discuss Link Building for Affiliates
Link Building Tips Audio Interview
9 High Quality Link Building Methods in 2011

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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great ...thanks so much
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Hi Chants,

You're welcome! We're glad to help. :)

Please let us know if you have further inquiries. All the best!
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sorry ... yes , just another query...

I recently bought a program called wikinukes which gets backlinks from wiki sites.

I understand from the sales pitch that these are authority links and that google "loves " them,

Am I treading on dangerous ground if I use this software within the limits so kindly explained to me in this tread ?


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Hi Chantelle,

A good rule of thumb is to use that software sparingly. Get 20% of your backlinks through that application and sweat out the remaining 80%. This way you get a little help with backlinking without putting your website into a huge risk should Google *not* like links from wiki sites anymore.

I'm sure other marketers/members will chip in their two cents but from my experience, it's better to safe than sorry.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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Hi again.

So there is some kind of risk factor in using this software , even sparingly ?

I ?m interested in a zero risk option because I have some domains which are very valuable to me and I dont want to risk seeing them permanantly blscklisted for any reason.

Any suggestions

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Hi Chantelle,

No automated system/application/software comes risk-free. There's always minimum risk to everything. I recommend you use the automated system sparingly because Google is now cracking down on similar applications/networks. If you relied solely on the links from wikinukes and then Google says they don't like websites with links from wiki sites, then your site will be in huge trouble. Compare that with a website that has a wide variety of links coming from different sources. That site may have some links from wiki sites, but they won't get penalized since the links are not *just* from wiki sites.

If your domains are important to you, then you need to put in the hours and take care of the links coming in and pointing out of your domains. If you find backlinking a chore, then outsource it.
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hewy Troy, I figure, if someone really likes my post, they may tweet it, like it on FB, share it on their own blog, G+ it, stumble it, and more. I have some readers who naturally give me 10 or more links every time they read one of my posts.

I think it also depends on the relationship with your followers. the better the relationship the more links you can expect to get from it. If you really think about it, if you did a 1 to 1 ratio, then newbies with a brand new site couldn't do ANY links because they have no visitors. you gotta do some, so I slow play it with about 2-5/day.
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Great - thanks I think I understand. I'll take the slow option ( nothing better than slow food etc and it seems to be the same with links ! )

Just one last request - since I don't even really understand exactly what a link is and how you go about building them slowly ( ie I lack the actual practical know how ) ... can you refer me to a PRACTICAL tutorial on links building ... ie EXACTLY HOW STEP BY STEP ? I'm willing to pay for good information

Thanks a lot for all your trouble

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There's a lot to link building and we could discuss it all day, but I'll try to give you a general idea.

Link building is the process of getting inbound links pointing to your site from other websites, so that Google can rate your site based on the quality of those links.

How do you get other sites to link to you?

Before you get into link building, however, ensure your content is good! Providing excellent, useful and valuable content is by far the most important thing when it comes to building traffic.

What I do to find relevant websites is search on google using my keywords and other terms related to my keywords. I then go through the search results to see

1. which ones are really related to my own topic
2. if they are sites on which I would want to build backlinks, and
3. if it is possible to create backlinks from them

Backlink building can be accomplished through:

1. commenting on blog posts or articles. While you may not be able to put in links in your comment, you will be able to enter your website url and the name that you entered will be linked to your site.
2. posting on forums and even creating new forum threads. some forums do not allow you to put in links until after you have a specific number of posts. Some forums allow links only in your signature. Some forums allow you to use a signature only after you have a specific number of posts. Make sure you check the forum rules first.
3. submitting an article in which you have links in the body of the article or in your author resource box.
4. posting answers, such as what you would see in yahoo answers
5. adding links to your site on your member profile.

Hope that helps!
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Thanks a stack
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Hi Chantelle,

Just to add, please make sure to go over the articles I have mentioned in my earlier post in this thread:

Natural backlinking would mean building backlinks over time through various methods. This is a slow process mainly because you can't automate it. Below are some articles from the Affilorama Blog that can help:

SEO Experts Discuss Link Building for Affiliates
Link Building Tips Audio Interview
9 High Quality Link Building Methods in 2011

Those are really good articles that can give you plenty of information on building links.

Have a good day!
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great ... thanks so much everybody
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