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Need advice on linkbuilding strategy

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Joined: 08 May 12

Need advice on linkbuilding strategy

Hey people, i'm a newbie here and so thrilled to join this growing community.

I've just started my first affiliate site on men health's - promoting variious natural cure for PE. . Have written articles on ezine & some forum postings with links to my site but not much luck on conversion. I read somewhere that it is more effective to publish articles to include your direct affiliate link to merchant's page to increase conversion. I do understand that direct link to website is mainly for building your mailing list if you have a killer opt in / squeeze page.
Just got a little confused with the strategies i should be taking, going to be writing more new articles and forum posting......my question, is it common to include both links to your articles/postings that points reader to your own website & direct affiliate link to merchant page?

appreciate your advice.
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Hi ilemonmarketing,

Welcome to Affilorama! :)

It is common, in fact, the norm is to place a link back to your site, instead of your affiliate link. In your forum signature, you can place a link to your site as well as your affiliate link for the product. If you are allowed only one, then a link to your website is enough. Most forums do not allow links within posts and if they do allow it, affiliate links are are not included in that. You can use proper anchor text in your post and then link back to the related article on your site. The aim of commenting in blogs and forums is to gain backlinks and traffic to your site.

If you have eBooks or when promoting through your newsletter series, then you need to place your affiliate links there.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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Besides linking to your website and affiliate link, you may also do several linking strategies into your own website.

Here are my suggestions:
- resource page (this is a page where you can put a list of resources (and some related affiliate links as well). This page can help people find useful links and information they are looking for. It is actually a win-win kind of situation. You are helping people find relevant links and you are also getting benefits from click-throughs.

- embed affiliate link on blog posts

Lastly, do not forget to track all your affiliate links. This will let you figure out which strategy brings you the most sales.

Good luck!
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If you want to attract direct traffic, you should post your affiliate links on website where you believe your targeted audience are regular visitors.

If you want to improve your rankings in search results, you should do link building for your website, thus mentioning your site, not your affiliate buy links.

Article submission (ezines and such) you mention is a clear example of link building for SEO purpose - so use your site links there.

Forums can be used for both SEO and attracting direct traffic, so you could have used both kinds of links when it comes to forums. However, most forums are really strict about affiliate links, so you might find it hard using them.
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Posts: 2
Joined: 08 May 12
thank you guys for the useful tips ! will use that :)
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Posts: 6369
Joined: 25 Feb 11
Hi ilemonmarketing,

You're welcome! :) We're glad to help.

You might also want to go through some of the link building articles we have on the Affilorama Blog like the one below:

Link Building Tips Audio Interview

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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Building affiliate marketing websites is a breeze: https://www.affilorama.com/affilojetpack
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This topic was started on May 08, 2012 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
