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How to use article directories?

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How to use article directories?

Hi everyone,

It's been a little while since i have posted on the forum. Hope i get help on this one. A bit confused about some things.

The question I am raising is, how can i use article directories? I know i have to post different articles on my website and article directory. But when i read the lesson on affilorama, I got a little confused here. I am going to share the link of the lesson. https://www.affilorama.com/introduction ... ve-methods

Also to understand quick, for you guys I am quoting the exact part of the lesson which confused my mind and arise a question. Quote from lesson is;
"Article directories are places where people can submit their articles. The articles are then free for anyone to download and reproduce, provided that the author information and any links the author has inserted into the article remain intact.

Directories benefit both parties: the author gets his or her article distributed around the internet for free, earning backlinks and traffic in the process while the person using the article gets free content for their website, eBook or newsletter.

Now let me come to the question. it is mentioned that my article will be used by someone else on their website hence providing free content to the user and at my end i will get credit in form links. If that is the case won't the person using my article on his/her website will be duplicating my content?

And If he uses the article on his/her newsletter how do i get to know that he gave me credit or not? Because to my understanding, content in emails are not indexed in search engines, hence search engines can't recognize if someone is using duplicate content in emails. Tell me if i am wrong. In case i am right then what are the other ways one can find out if his content is being duplicated on someone else's newsletters?

Last question how i make sure that articles i wrote for article directories will be seen by other people, hence increasing chances to drive traffic and chances, that my article might be used by someone else?
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Hi Yasir,
It is mentioned that my article will be used by someone else on their website hence providing free content to the user and at my end i will get credit in form links. If that is the case won't the person using my article on his/her website will be duplicating my content?

>> Let me clear things out about duplicate content issue. Please take note that the websites with duplicate content are rarely banned from search engines. If you noticed there are tons of websites posting the same content online.

What happens when there is duplicate content is the search engine will pick the original article and display this on the top of the search results. Others (the duplicates/copies) will be ranked below it.

Now the above does not happen all the time since there are pages that Google sees more valuable than the original one. However, in most cases, Google chooses/prioritizes the page where the content is posted first.

And If he uses the article on his/her newsletter how do i get to know that he gave me credit or not? Because to my understanding, content in emails are not indexed in search engines, hence search engines can't recognize if someone is using duplicate content in emails. Tell me if i am wrong. In case i am right then what are the other ways one can find out if his content is being duplicated on someone else's newsletters?

>> You cannot always be guaranteed that the person will give you credit for your content but you can always check your articles by 1. setting up Google alerts whenever your article title is mentioned on the web (here's how: http://www.bloggingbasics101.com/how-to ... good-idea/) OR 2. using a 3rd-party tool to check for plagiarism like Copyscape.

Last question how i make sure that articles i wrote for article directories will be seen by other people, hence increasing chances to drive traffic and chances, that my article might be used by someone else?

>>> You don't but of course, if the website (you have posted your article to) receives tons of traffic every day, then there is a higher possibility that you will get traffic referrals from that site. Also, there are article directory sites that provide you with number of views/clicks for your article.
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Hm...Can you tell please about my website? There are some article directories (the websites where I can post content for free). I checked them for spam etc, but didn't notice any result after about 6 month. what can you tell about this? Do they harm? Also, If you don;t mind, I cangive you the link to my websites to make you watch it.. Thank you and will be indebted for your help.
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besupernatural wrote:Hm...Can you tell please about my website? There are some article directories (the websites where I can post content for free). I checked them for spam etc, but didn't notice any result after about 6 month. what can you tell about this? Do they harm? Also, If you don;t mind, I cangive you the link to my websites to make you watch it.. Thank you and will be indebted for your help.

>> There are not enough quality backlinks to rank your website on Google for your term/s. Creating backlinks from article directories alone will not get you on the top SERPs. Mix your marketing/backlinking campaign with more quality link building such as guest posting, creating articles on private network blogs, and etc. You can find more link building techniques on our free lessons page here: https://www.affilorama.com/marketing-ideas
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maryt wrote:
besupernatural wrote:Hm...Can you tell please about my website? There are some article directories (the websites where I can post content for free). I checked them for spam etc, but didn't notice any result after about 6 month. what can you tell about this? Do they harm? Also, If you don;t mind, I cangive you the link to my websites to make you watch it.. Thank you and will be indebted for your help.

>> There are not enough quality backlinks to rank your website on Google for your term/s. Creating backlinks from article directories alone will not get you on the top SERPs. Mix your marketing/backlinking campaign with more quality link building such as guest posting, creating articles on private network blogs, and etc. You can find more link building techniques on our free lessons page here: https://www.affilorama.com/marketing-ideas

thank you for your quick and comprehesive answer. I'll try to check this out on my own experience. Maybe the next question will be seemed as a little bit stupid, but how does the Google knows that the site is the article directory? It can only check the spread of the words in text and compare it to the niche it belongs to. So, I personally think that it finds out that the article is the free article directory from the number of different topics discussed in the subsection devoted only to one topic? Or maybe the webmasters mark the content on such wqebsites as user-generated?
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Google doesn't identify the site classification- like it's an article directory, or a community site, forum, etc; but what it identifies are the site's page rank, number of inbound links, number of outbound links, the content quality on the site, and other ranking factors.

So when I say that you cannot rank your website by submitting your link to article directories only, it's because most article directories have low page rank, have a lot of rubbish and duplicate articles and inbound links, and etc.

In addition to this, most article directories are owned by one company. The article directories that you're submitting your links to may have the same IP address and what this means to Google is if the websites have the same IP address, it only treats the backlinks to these sites as one.
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"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." ~Sidhhartha Guatama
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maryt wrote:Google doesn't identify the site classification- like it's an article directory, or a community site, forum, etc; but what it identifies are the site's page rank, number of inbound links, number of outbound links, the content quality on the site, and other ranking factors.

So when I say that you cannot rank your website by submitting your link to article directories only, it's because most article directories have low page rank, have a lot of rubbish and duplicate articles and inbound links, and etc.

In addition to this, most article directories are owned by one company. The article directories that you're submitting your links to may have the same IP address and what this means to Google is if the websites have the same IP address, it only treats the backlinks to these sites as one.

Wow.. I didn't new that the article directories are owned by the same companies. The IP adress is the footpring by which Google can easily define the network of the site and apply filters. So for thos who reads this forum: better to chack both the IPs and the traffic with the similar web add-on. there usually the swings and jumps of the traffic are seen.
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As per I think article directories has high spam score it will effect your website in Panguin update, try to ignore it.
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Article directories are a great way to share your content and build good traffic. They are Web2.0 blogs that help to provide do follow backlinks to improve ranking and also build your online popularity.
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it is the best way to share the content, and increase traffic rate
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