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Driving Traffic to AffiloJetpack site

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Driving Traffic to AffiloJetpack site

Hello I had bought AffiloJetpack already.
I'm working on my first website ever.


I use learn to sing niche of AffiloJetpack.
I followed everything Mark suggested. Now, my website has been started for 2 weeks. 5 articles total. I've already setup the email autoresponder in AWeber. And my affiliate link inside the follow-ups email (but no affiliate link in the site). I've created the opt-in form on the right side of my wordpress singing website.

The problem I'm facing now is LACK OF TRAFFIC.
I want to see the real first sale so I will be encouraged to do more things. The products I'm selling in the follow-up emails are Singorama ($100 price).

Please help me, tell me honestly how to find traffic today that is the best easy to get started now please! If I failed, I have no money left to invest in online world. I wanna help my poor family...

Chanchana Sornsoontorn
An 18 years old Thai boy.
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Hi Chanchana,

There are a lot of traffic strategy videos inside the AffiloJetpack members area. Have you had a look at those?
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Are your changes not showing up on your website? Try doing a hard refresh! http://www.refreshyourcache.com/en/cache/
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aletta wrote:Hi Chanchana,

There are a lot of traffic strategy videos inside the AffiloJetpack members area. Have you had a look at those?

I had already take a look at those strategies. But, I don't really know what is the best, I didn't see the outcome yet so I don't see the possibility. Now, I had replied many forum posts. Wrote article marketing to 4 site. (EzinesArticles is pending on approval).

I just want to know what time this will work because I haven't had any traffic yet. Could you please take a look at my site and see what I need (other than content, because I'm going to post 20 posts)?
Can you estimate the time I'll get the first sale?
Mark said there are 3 main ways, article marketing, directory submission (i've done this yet), blog&forum commenting.

What I need to really do to see the fast result ?

From 11 niches, which one do you think has the least amount of competition?
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How much forum posting have you done? Maybe you haven't done enough yet or you're not creating posts that get people to click to your site.

Building an affiliate site takes a lot longer than a couple of weeks.

In my opinion if you need cash now you would be better off to learn a skill and go and find work to do for others while at the same time building your affiliate site . An example would be to learn how to and get good at doing WordPress installations with theme/plugin setup etc., and going to Fiverr.com or wherever and offering to do that for people who want it done for them.

Building an affiliate site/business can be extremely profitable, but it takes time to build it all up.
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tankctrlr wrote:How much forum posting have you done? Maybe you haven't done enough yet or you're not creating posts that get people to click to your site.

Building an affiliate site takes a lot longer than a couple of weeks.

In my opinion if you need cash now you would be better off to learn a skill and go and find work to do for others while at the same time building your affiliate site . An example would be to learn how to and get good at doing WordPress installations with theme/plugin setup etc., and going to Fiverr.com or wherever and offering to do that for people who want it done for them.

Building an affiliate site/business can be extremely profitable, but it takes time to build it all up.

How does Fiverr work? How can it be sure that I will do something and earn money?
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Well you join it and list what you are willing to do for $5-20, and when someone hires you, you do the work for them and get paid for it.

So say you can create logos, and are good at it and fast, well people find your profile/services and can pay you to create their logos for them. Fiverr's a reputable company it's not a scam.

Translating freelancing to the 'real world', would go something like; you go to your neighbor's house and say " Sarit, hey I'll clean your garage for $10 bucks, deal?" then he says "yeah alright". So you clean his garage and do a sweet job of it too. That way he hires you for more stuff in the future. He sees you did a good job and he pays you the $10.

It's the free market, capitalism, you have the will to clean his garage and he has nothing but a piece of paper (money) that he's willing to 'trade' in exchange for a clean garage. He's buying himself the relief of not having to clean and he's buying himself the time it would take to clean it.

Found this infographic that might help some with what freelance stuff you could do:
http://www.lifehack.org/articles/money/ ... ernet.html

Remember you can do this kind of work (freelancing) at the same time that you are building your site. And don't forget about doing work offline either, like cleaning stuff I've done it and a lot more for quick cash.

p.s. (for anyone reading this) an acquaintance of mine has a site that pays you to deliver items for people, when you travel to a place that needs something delivered there: https://www.manyship.com/

So let's say you are travelling to a town, you can go post to ManyShip and say you're travelling to that town in a few days and you can carry 2 items with you, so if someone needs to ship something there to that town they can pay you to take their items with you and deliver them.

I have a feeling this was too much information but we'll see lol.
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I think freelancing isn't my kind of work because it is too competitive and I don't have a strong skill.

Please tell me, what's wrong with my website? It doesn't even have any subscribers at all. But the subscribing form is working fine. I comment to 2 forums everyday with my website signature below the comment.

Why would mark said that AffiloJetpack is easily setup in 4 hours if it doesn't make money at all in almost 3 weeks with hard work? So, I think there must be something wrong. Can you point that out?
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Your AffiloJetpack website is fast to set up. If you haven't built an affiliate site before, you won't be aware of this, but may affiliates spend potentially MONTHS building their affiliate sites and getting all the content.

That is the real power of AffiloJetpack. It means you can do something in (potentially) hours that would normally take the average Bob Mac'n'cheese at least a few weeks and potentially many hundreds of dollars to put together.

(It also gives you the newsletter series, which most new affiliates never even bother doing because it's so expensive and time consuming, but anyway.)

What it doesn't do is guarantee you overnight millions, and just because your website isn't receiving much traffic yet, it doesn't mean something is not working. These things just take time. Sometimes a lot of time, depending on how much work you can put into traffic generation and how reliant you are on getting free traffic from the search engines.

Nothing is wrong. Nothing is broken. It just takes time.
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Are your changes not showing up on your website? Try doing a hard refresh! http://www.refreshyourcache.com/en/cache/
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It just takes time, longer than three weeks that's for sure. I've once spent three weeks trying to change a theme over when I was learning lol you have a whole site up already without having any "Skill"! So three weeks is not that long building traffic, I also just got 10,200+ people to see one of my ads for my $9.95/m service and it bombed, not one click through to my site, so a few forum posts isn't going to get a $100 dollar sale unless you get lucky. You need hundreds maybe thousands of visitors consistently, it takes time.

But let's tweak your site.

- First your header graphic texts' grammar is not good, I'm not an English teacher I do speak it as my first language though and I'm pretty sure it's not correct grammar.

"Learn All the PROVEN SECRETS you need to...."

Also the Black text on grey background with that faded font; is hard to read FAST, try changing it to a better contrasting color with an easier to read font. This text is what people read FIRST (the way your site is setup) so make it easy to read.

- Are you trying to build a Blog? Because that's what it looks like, because you have posts or maybe a Blog template showing as your Home-Page.

The Home-Page really should be a Landing Page geared toward getting e-mail sign ups for that free report, not a Blog style page. Unless being a blogger is what you are doing.

Either way try to do this instead:

The top half of the page has Sara's Optin Box, you can't miss it, it stands out and MAKES people notice. If you can't do what Sara has done try to move your red optin-box in the right panel, UP to the top spot. Like: www.quicksprout.com/blog/

- The grammar on your site needs improvement, but you know that I saw your About page.

- Work on your Headlines, headlines are the most important part of any marketing. The Headline must be great or nobody will optin, click, read, watch, anything!

- More Content = more opportunities to sell, and more e-mails can be sent and more social media marketing can be done. More more more it takes time.

- You need Social Profiles, it sucks I know but you need to join Facebook and create a Page, join Twitter and create a whatever it's called, join google+, etc. etc., go find the people and interact with them, NO SELLING just Helping and "sharing" your stuff. Plus you can like, tweet, etc., your own stuff at least once when you post something new and it will go out to all your social profiles and round and around the content goes.

- Privacy policy, disclaimers, etc., you need to be seen as legit, i.e., NOT a scammer. Add them in ASAP.

- How about showing your picture, if you can build an audience with your name/face people will interact with you a lot more, more comments, more social shares. If you don't that's fine it's just a lot easier when you do.

- Whenever you place something out of the way so people won't get annoyed by it, they will NOT see it. I'm talking about your SHARE button, if you hide it they will not use it, TEST putting them elsewhere. (after the main content? On the left side?)

- CONTACT page has too many fields, the more fields you put on forms (any form) the less amount of people will fill it out, get rid of fields you don't really need.

- Calls To Action in posts, create CTAs in your posts for comments, shares, and for your affiliate links to related products. Don't be scared of recommending something, if it is related and it will help them with something "share" it with them with a good CTA, like "If this is something you would like to be able to do, you should try out ______, it will help you _____, you can find it here: AFF-LINK/Banner-image/SOMETHING!"

If you need more content try out myblogguest.com for requesting guest bloggers, and try out:

Need An Articleâ„¢ for hiring writers the link is in my signature. <see what I did there?

That's all for now, that'll be $37 bucks please, send it to... Just Kidding, have fun don't give up yet you haven't even begun! (But if you need money now learn a skill seriously.)n
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Very insightful. This reply is what was I waiting for all night long! I'll fix the site based on your suggestion. Now, I have a little good news, there is one subscriber now! His name is George. Now my website has about 30-50 visitors a day from those singing forums but they don't seem like putting email.

What I have done so far:
  • I changed the header based on your suggestion.
  • I changed the share button based on your suggestion.
  • I changed the opt-in form's position to the top based on your suggestion.
  • I browsed to the myblogguest.com and signed up an account
  • I created a Facebook Fan page of my website
  • I tweeted a message about my website to my main twitter account
  • I put a Facebook like widget to the right pane.

However, I wouldn't expect to build a blog, I just want to build a site which convert visitors into subscribers (which will build relationship and buy) by providing free information. I think I would post around 20-30 articles then slowly providing more content. So What would my homepage should look like? Can you check my about page's grammar? How do I change homepage in wordpress directly without pointing it to other page?
However, I think it is also a blog. I can't escape that word.

Thank you very much Mr. tankctrlr. I should improve my grammar now ... lol
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Hi CS,

It's great your getting visitors already, getting people to optin with an e-mail is tricky yes but with a few tricks of our own we can get some more.

What works best is a "pop ever" or "exit-pop", like on John Chow's site if you go to close the TAB it darkens the background and pops-over. (try it)

Yes this is annoying but it works, and you should create a balance of annoying vs getting optins, it's about testing, test what is too annoying and what is not but still gets optins. If you still aren't getting optins then look to something else like copywriting or where the traffic is coming from.

* About building a blog - yeah that word "blog" isn't really a good word I should have said content site or something else. You are building a site that has free content.

So the home page just needs to have your optin more visible "above the fold" (at the top, before you have to scoll down). And you can have your content (posts) displayed underneath, like you have now. Good work.

*One thing you can change is to "pin" this page to the top:

So that it STAYS there even when you make new posts. Just go to> Posts > find the post, click Quick Edit > click checkbox "Make this post sticky" > click Update.

* Another thing is that search box on the right panel is underneath the optin, you don't need a search-box unless you have a huge site it's best not to have it now because if they search for something and you don't have it, that's bad, it makes your site look like it doesn't get updated or is new or small, which it is but lol; we don't want them to know that. Just get rid of it.

* You should also put an optin-box After the main content in your posts/pages, like here (scroll down to find it):
http://www.quicksprout.com/2013/12/04/1 ... g-results/

Put in right after the content and maybe social plugins too. BTW I keep linking to Neil Patel's site, so just copy him he's the best lol, and read all his stuff, optin to his e-mail etc. Plus he has a forum too (sorry Affilorama! :-P)

* About grammar - I think that as long as you're honest with people about your English skills that it's ok to have bad grammar etc., people just want someone to be themselves and to be honest and so if you can explain somehow, that just because my grammar stinks doesn't mean I can't help you become a better singer.

So I would make that clear in your "getting Started" page too. so it shows on the homepage. Maybe even do what Neil Patel does (Neil again lol ) see his right panel on his blog it has a short bio and a picture with a link to the full bio (link to your About page).

And yes improve your grammar and anything else.

* since your getting visitors you might want to TEST out other ways to monetize that traffic, something like Google Adsense or Chitika, just be sure to read their Terms and Guidelines FIRST so you get accepted and won't get banned forever, take it seriously because you can make good extra money with "contextual ads". (Just a tip if you want to supplement selling your main product.)

Hope this helps keep going and for anyone else reading this create a forum post, let's help you too!

Andrew -- Needanarticle.com
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Page cannot be sticky, post can. I've tried that.
I understand the part about Neil Patel. lol
His website is very gorgeous if I were the ordinary person (I wonder how he put all the unique graphics over his site! Everything is perfect). But, now as a little affiliate marketer, his site is extremely scary to compare me. lol

So, I'll follow your guide. I'll think I have to renew my homepage now.
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Hi Off,

Andrew has given you excellent suggestions and I'm glad to see you've taken action and tweaked your site. Now that you've got your site up, the next step is to promote it. You have to let the world now that your site is online and one of the ways to do this is to participate in blogs and forums that are in the same niche as your site: learn to sing. There are forums there like HarmonyCentral where you can go and participate in the discussion. Make sure that when you do, you have your profile set up and that it links back to your site so that each time you post a comment, people can see a link back to your site.

A good example is Andrew aka TankCTRLR. If you look at his signature, it has a link to his website there. He goes around the Affilorama forums to provide answers and share his opinions, and each time he does, there's a link to his site created, and the more people get to know him and his site. So next time you need an article, you would remember him. :)

There are other methods discussed in the Affilojetpack training videos. I suggest you take another look at them and decide which ones you'll be doing. Then track your efforts so you'll know which works and which doesn't. Link building is pretty much trial and error. If one method doesn't work as well as you want it, then switch over to another. You can also refer to the Affilorama Blog. We've written some pretty excellent posts on link building and SEO this year like How to Build Quality Links in 1 Hour a Day

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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I'm very appreciated you all's helps. (which words should I use to call more than one people that I'm talking to?, if one people, it's 'you')

I've taken all the instructions of tankctrlr in to action already. I'll be surely use your article service if I have some budget to invest on.

What I have done:
I put the popup opt-in form which will trigger if 20 seconds pass.
I put the slide-in opt-in form which will trigger if you scroll down 90% of the page.
2 of the above has 3 days cookie which mean it won't trigger the second time to the same user for 3 days. And they would be only triggered in the homepage.
In the posts& pages, I put the opt-in form at the bottom below the content.
I changed social sharing plugin which seem simpler a lot.
I put the text widget and entered some of my bio on the right-side.

To cecille.l, I've posted in that forum before you told me. But it's good that you told me, so I can be sure I posted into right forum.
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