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YouTube Video Hijacked ?

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Joined: 24 May 12

YouTube Video Hijacked ?


I'm hoping someone might be able to help me and share some advice.

I'm using AffiloBluePrint to build my first couple of affiliate websites and I wanted to create a you tube video for extra promotion.

I created a new youtube account today and uploaded my first video .

Two hours later when I searched for it in Google I got a bit of a shock..... my video shows up in the search results fine but it appears someone has 'hijacked' my description, which displays under the video in googles search results.

They have their own description and a their affiliate link for a different product they are promoting.

However, if I click my video in googles search results, it does go to my channel, plays my video and I see my original description and everything seems ok.

I'm new to all this stuff so maybe there is a simple explanation/fix.

Really hoping someone can help me out.

Thanks very much

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Posts: 6369
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Hi Lenny,

Would it be possible to post the keywords you used to search for your video and the link to the actual video? Is this your original video or a video from the vendor/merchant that you promote?

If it's your own original video, then it's possible that someone downloaded it off youtube then re uploaded it on to their own account. This is not all that rare as there are various ways to download videos now.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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Hi Cecille

This is my original video .

I don't think this person downloaded it off youtube then re uploaded it on to their own account because they are trying to promote a different brand of the same type of product.

What they have written in the 'hijacked description' are some similar keywords and then their own youtube account name and 'don't buy this product ' until you have checked out mine'.

But at the moment there is no direct link to their youtube video or account.

Also when I click the video in the search results it does go to mine as normal.

Its strange and I'm just bothered because the way it is now it puts my video in a negative light.

Thanks Cecille

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Posts: 6369
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Hi Lenny,

I have received your email through support and have responded to it. Please email me back with the screenshots as I am unable to locate the video you're referring to. I was able to find and view your own video though.

Hope to hear from you soon. All the best!
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This is a strange one, but it seems ok now.

Ceciile had suggested to me in a support email thats perhaps comments were enabled for my video.

I checked and comments were enabled in my youtube account, however there were no comments wrriten under my video.

Anyway just in I disabled comments and changed the title of my video slightly and everything went back to normal.

Thanks Cecille.

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Posts: 6369
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Hi Lenny,

You're welcome! That's the only possible explanation I could come up with. Or rather, that's how the SERPs and the images you forwarded appeared to me.

Anyway, I'm glad to hear that everything's back to normal. :)

All the best!
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This topic was started on Oct 16, 2012 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.