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Why Social Traffic TRUMPS All Other Traffic Methods?

Posts: 236
Joined: 25 Nov 10

Why Social Traffic TRUMPS All Other Traffic Methods?


Hi, this is Amuro Wesley here.

In this first detailed post, I am gong to explain what social traffic is and why it WILL trump all other traffic generation methods not just now but in years to come.

And why do I say that? Some of you might wonder.

You see, when it comes to driving traffic to get as many visitors to your site hoping to turn them into subscribers and customers ultimately, most people are just too caught in those that they will do anything – whatever it takes – to get the numbers they have in mind simply because they are being told by those IM gurus.

For those with disposable income from their current jobs or existing businesses, they will spend any amount just to get the maximum – what I now called since I finally realized – ROI aka Return On Investment be it web visitors, subscribers or sales.

For those who are just struggling or still making ends meet with their current jobs or savings, they will focus on free methods like blogging – as you see I am doing right now, blog commenting, forum commenting, guest blogging, social media, doing videos just to name a few.

Now don't get me wrong.

I am not saying that those methods don't work.

In fact they still will.

But before sending out ANY piece of content be it article, audio, blog post or video, let me ask you a few questions.

Do you know who your target audience is?

Do you know what they NEED and WANT most right now?

Most importantly, do they KNOW and TRUST you?

The reason I am asking you these is because if your answers are all YES to my questions genuinely from your heart, then making money SHOULD not be a problem to you.

If not, you will be like those marketers out there earning inconsistent inocme and struggling to get ROI Vs Advertising Costs net balance if you know what I mean.

In my 8 years of internet marketing, I got to know 3 people.

They are my good friends Chris Farrell, David Donovan Lee and Suria Sparks.

Now while Chris and Suria are online marketers, Donovan is a network marketer.

But why is it all 3 of them are successful in their own rights?

The reasons are simple.

They know who their target audience is.

They know how to connect with them and –

And they KNOW how to earn their trust and get them to buy.

It is as simple as that.

Now in most internet marketing courses, most gurus asked you to identify your niche, pick some random products from affiliate networks like Clickbank, JVZoo, Warrior Plus based around your niche, build a website like blog and squeeze page and ask you to drive traffic and build email list / do follow-ups from there.

That is a straight NO-GO as doing those is what caused so many marketers to struggle in the first place.

If you are promoting physical / tangible products like shopping / consumer items, holiday vacations, resorts etc, you might have a higher chance in that.

But if you are promoting digital / information products, you need to earn their friendship and trust first since most people – especially baby boomers and those in my generation from 70-90s – what I called pre-internet era – are still skeptical when it comes to buying things online.

I have a subscriber of Chris Farrell for some time since knowing him from AffiliateDotCom course he did with Mike Filsaime 8 years ago.

Now Chris did is exactly the same as what my good friends Donovan and Suria did.

They don't just identify their niche be it internet marketing, network marketing or combinatino of both.

What they did more is identify who their target market is within that niche, getting connected to them, helping them and building relationships from those to –

GAIN their like and trust.

That is how they make a lot of money FAST without spending a dime on advertising.

And even if they do having reinvested from the profits they made from social traffic, they make sure to minimize their ad spend and maximize their profits.

That is how marketing should be done properly.

Not just selling for the sake of making profits which seems to be important but until you know who your target market is and how to connect and build relationship, that is not really important since they don't really know and trust you even if you think they do.

Having realized these myself, I decided this is what I will finally do from this month September onwards.

I come from the Southeast Asian island of Singapore.

Now i am not exactly sure if you have heard of my country or have friends from my country telling you this.

Besides being a small, highly developed and clean country, our government and people places a lot of emphasis on these core values that defined and shaped our nation.

They are community, social and teamwork values.

These also brings me back to the definition of social traffic.

It is NOT just about social media. Social media is just an online strategy and one of many strategies in offline marketing.

It is about mixing around, networking and connecting with a group of people.

Because it is from those many things start to happen.

Friendships, business relationships and even relationships of dating and marriage ultimately.

In essence, social traffic is ALL about connecting with and helping people.
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Posts: 42
Joined: 06 Jan 18
It was a great time to read your post. it is a beautiful post ever.
Have a nice work
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Bring your family to dentist Hammond.
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It was the best post for info so I read your post and enjoyed.
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Thanks for sharing the interesting things. Got It.
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Thanks for sharing such kind of informative post. Much appreciate for it.
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Thanks for sharing this information with us. Its really helpful and informative!
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