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Which has more conversions: Facebook or Instagram stories?

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Joined: 01 Jul 20

Which has more conversions: Facebook or Instagram stories?

Hi Guys, Can you tell me which stories are more effective on Facebook or Instagram?
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You need to run a test on this to determine which is more effective in terms of conversion. The conversion rate depends on how you set up your campaign, your ad content, and on where your target market spends more time on. The conversion rate also varies so this can only be proven once you run your campaign.
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Posts: 23
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Instagram stories feature are pretty and effective than Facebook. Whatever different users have different approach form it.
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Posts: 54
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There are different categories of people visiting both these platforms. I agree with the commentator who wrote about running the test. Because in fact, the effectiveness of advertising on Facebook or Instagram depends on what you sell, on your marketing, and so on. So approach it creatively and maybe you will be able to interest potential buyers on both social networks.
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Its depend on niche. Which niche are you running ?
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Posts: 40
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traffsquad wrote:Its depend on niche. Which niche are you running ?

Social media and digital marketing related niche. See my profile and as soon as possible give some solution guys.
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Posts: 34
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I would say Facebook will give more conversions compared to Instagram.
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According to my experience, Instagram Stories has more conversion rates than Facebook Stories. This is because Instagram has more number of active user base than Facebook & many businesses use Instagram mostly to connect with their customers.
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Posts: 17
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Facebook are better then Instagram, But Instagram will effective in near future.
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Posts: 6
Joined: 30 Jul 20
Instagram stories are much more beneficial than the facebook stories. Here you would get more conversions as compared to the facebook stories.
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Posts: 2
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Both Facebook and Instagram Stories can be highly conversive when using the correct strategies, features of stories, and content.
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Now a days instagram has more conversation story becasue its and more effective tools
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Posts: 15
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I think for the business instagram is the best, but consider that there are many users on facebook. There's an option to share stories between instagram and facebook. First make a stories on your instagram and allow it to share on facebook so that there are many people an sees your stories.
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Posts: 3
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It's a question which only Mark Zuckerburg can say if you want exact stats. But in real no doubt Instagram stories are lot spoken these days than FB. And never know which platform going to replace Instagram in future.
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Posts: 128
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Both Instagram and Facebook ads can be managed through Facebook’s Ads Manager. This single location for ad resource makes it easy for marketers to select multiple audiences and placements. Campaigns are easily managed and results are downloadable. Instagram and Facebook Stories have become an integral part of both platforms, Facebook and Instagram are the most popular social networks among marketers. For a good reason both networks are highly-visual and engaging, and ad placement and branding opportunities are abundant.
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Posts: 35
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THey both are effective, it`s just depend on your niche, targeting settings, audience, so there is no clear unswer
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Posts: 65
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With regards to reach, Facebook has authority over Instagram. In addition to the fact that it has a lot bigger client base, however it additionally has acknowledgment across most age gatherings. So you will have a superior possibility at boosting perceivability utilizing this stage. This is particularly obvious in case you're not focusing on a particular age gathering
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Simply Facebook. Both can be effective if your business is targeting right audience.
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