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What's your favorite method of getting SEO clients?

Posts: 2
Joined: 10 Feb 15

What's your favorite method of getting SEO clients?

I've been using cold emailing since last few months to try to get some SEO clients, but I'm not having any success.

I'm personalizing my email for each prospect (by adding their name, business name, industry, website url etc). I'm getting around 35-40% open-rate for my emails.

I'm targeting laser eye surgeons from different locations. While choosing a prospect, I check if they have low traffic, less backlinks, bad/average quality website design and things like that.

What am I not doing right?

Do you guys have any suggestions? How do you get your clients?
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Site Admin
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Joined: 16 Apr 12
There is a lot of competition in offering SEO services. For one, most clients (especially those businesses who operate mostly offline) do not see SEO as an investment. It is enough for them to have a website online.

With that said, you will need a lot of convincing. You need to show these business owners that there is a lot of adantages in investing in SEO.

You should be able to offer them real case studies, showing how a website has grown in traffic and conversion through SEO. Blogging about this on your website will also attract potential visitors. You will need to revamp your marketing methods and put more quality to it by promoting your services using content marketing. You can add this to your marketing methods.
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Posts: 61
Joined: 30 Nov 14
As a business owner who uses the internet as a main source of clients, I can tell you that I get my fair share of emails like the one you send. I just delete them.

It is not that I don't think SEO doesn't work--it does, wonderfully! But emails that proclaim that they can get me the #1 spot in Google or any other SE are just not believable to me.

Maybe if you offer a free 15 minute presentation (on skype or via a share slide site) on how they can increase their bottom line via the internet (for example, how to add X clients per month to their business, if it's a service business) may give you a better opportunity to land new SEO clients.
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Posts: 15
Joined: 10 Mar 17
Getting clients through email can be tough. They can either be directed in the spam mail or get deleted. If you've been personalizing the emails but still got less clients, then maybe there is something wrong with the content of your email. Do not give away standard SEO services. Think about giving discounts or limited deals. If you still have difficulties on this field, you can always hire a writer or marketing specialist for more useful suggestions.
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Posts: 55
Joined: 14 Mar 17
Try to get contacts from those sites which have just opened, they with high percentage of chance don't even know about SEO.
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Posts: 78
Joined: 15 Jul 17
Yes, the only email is not enough. Most of the peoples delete email directly without seeing them. You should write a blog and tell them benefits as well as prepare a little presentation.
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Posts: 10
Joined: 09 Aug 17
there are too many methods I like, and everything depends from the situation
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Posts: 282
Joined: 05 Jan 13
Sometimes article directories can prove effective when it comes to getting SEO clients. Article writing or article marketing can serve the purpose too. I too think email cannot be too efficacious in this regard.
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