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What Is 2nd Best to .com?

Posts: 81
Joined: 24 Nov 08

What Is 2nd Best to .com?

I really really want a domain name, and the .com is taken but everything else is available.

Do you know if there is any "preferred" order to what would be 2nd best? .ca, .net, or .org?

I would have to guess .org or .net?

Do people more easily remember one over the other?

Thanks for any advice/input
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Posts: 869
Joined: 14 Mar 08
Hi Rubanz,
If you can I would get another domain name with .com and get the .net as well.
If you really do need or want the domain name and the .com is taken then get the .net.
Keep in mind that when you advertise your URL or put links back to your site that it will be ok, but it will not help your branding as the other .com site will be marketing the same name.

For eg: imagine if Mark had affilorama.com and then I got affilorama.net and we both tried to brand our sites..lol
( this is assuming that affilorama is not trademarked )

Just my 2 cents.

P.S Hows your sites going by the way?
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Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize
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-- Robert Brault
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Thanks for your perspective Troy. I didn't think of it that way, but your branding point is super important!

2 of my sites are doing quite well actually I am very excited about them! Besides the fact that I am facing some issues with one today (I seem to be screwing it up messing around with wordpress plugins lol), I'm making a part-time living off of them while I complete my University studies :)

This new site I have an idea for is in a niche that I am TRULY PASSIONATE about, so I was uber excited when the domain name hit me earlier today...too bad the .com version was taken only 3 months ago! Makes my teeth grind arrg! I will try making an offer to the owner, who's e-mail came up in a whois search.

How are things with your internet businesses friend?
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Great to hear.
I am bringing out my own blog in December so be on the watch.
Hope I can help some people with it.
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Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize
they were the big things.

-- Robert Brault
Posts: 81
Joined: 24 Nov 08
Awesome Troy let me know when you go live
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Joined: 12 Nov 09

Just to share what I know but really don't think there is any fixed rule.
So take this as a guide. I assume that the reason why you are so excited about the domain name is that you
are probably using this for your keywords for SEO purpose.

1. If can't get .com,
- try adding 'info', 'review', etc (something relevant) as part of the domain name.
- go for .org, if not, .net.
- or try targeting for a specific country, eg, com.nz if you are targeting for a New Zealand market niche.

2. Avoid using '-' in domain names if you can.

Last resort, change the keywords (not the niche) and hence the domain name.

Hope this helps.

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Posts: 81
Joined: 24 Nov 08
Thankyou for your input Frankie. It was helpful :)
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This topic was started on Nov 20, 2009 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
